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Com prfihfinsiv(i Plami 'llransportation Element <br />EXISTING C C NDITIIONS <br />For traffic circeulation purposes, oxisiling conditions rellatee mcil . only to roacwaN system <br />cifaraceteristies, flit to 11he acitnq's land use pattearn and plcipltilation/demographici pnofila, as well. <br />Wf ilci these area c isciussec :in c entail in lif ei FuNre Land Use Elem eint and thea ]ntroductcir)l <br />BI err. ant, reaspecativealy, thay alsci must be c isceusseec in this a ani <br />Overall, thea county's land usea and c eamograp f is car aracater:islIcs relates to the various ceomponew s <br />of lifea transportaticin systeam. Wilif respleact to those csomponenils, this secition kantifies thea <br />oxisting seine iticins of thea ceounty's traffic circu aticm systeam, 1he biceyaki/pedestrian syslem, the <br />ports/avialion system, and the tranisil syslem. <br />Traffic Clirculatiuri System <br />i <br />Tf a traffics circulation sNsteam is thea mcasll importanil parr cat thea ecaumt}{'s transportation siNsturn. <br />Not only c caeasi thea traffic ci rceulation systeam aacccammodalle the vast majcarity cat trips within thea <br />acauinq; it also prcavides aaccess to hand uses within the area. <br />Aeceording 10 the 200(1 C ensus, thea average ecammule times fear residents cat 1he acauinty was 311-'I <br />minutes. Thea lravcl mode of choicea in thea ceounty is the atillomobile. As shown in 'lablea 4.5, <br />80% of ceommute trips consist of single occeupancy vehicleesi. Almcsl half, 4`I.T/c, of all <br />acammutes fall balweaan 10 and 1SI minutes. When ecamparcec to averages journey to work limicesi <br />aceross thea stapes of Flor'caa, ccammutea limes in ]nician Rivicer Ccaunty arca shorter lifan most other <br />areas in ii Pei stalte. <br />Iniveantory ane Davol -of -Services <br />Figura 4.1.1 sf. caws thea caurrcant roadwaN nieatwork laneage, whiles ' lablla 4.7.1 contal'ns a <br />caompreahensivea listing of all roadway faci lities in 1he ecaunty, akng with ceaeh roadway's lanaagea, <br />owncership, functional cllassifeceallion, adopled level-of-scimica anic actual) leval-cif-scervicee. Fear <br />planning purposes, a roacwaN's capacity and leavel-of-service (DCIS) arca genearallly based on thea <br />num bar of through lances. <br />Wf ilce Leevel cat Seervica (DOS) is a quallitativice mceasura, descr'l ing miolorists' peraeapticans of <br />opeerating ceorditicans within a traffics silream, capacity, can 1ha other hanc, is a quantitative <br />m uasure of thce u.11 imiate num beer cat m ator vahicdes which can liravell ovar a particeular roac waN <br />segmant ctiring a particeular time pariod (ci thear hourly or cally). Theasce cond'lions arca gencerallN <br />dcsaribed ini Terms suceh as speaad and traaval times, freaccam to maneuver, intearruptaonis to traffic <br />f caw, ecamfort aanc coil ivcanienaa, and safcety. As sf cawn can Tat le 4.7.1, nio rcaadway 'n <br />unineeorporatead Indian River Ccauinig aunieant N exceeaeds its accepted lcevel-of-servicee. <br />Community Development Department Ind fan Ri ver County) � <br />APPENDIX A-11ransportall i on A m endmenl s <br />