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Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)
Notice of Grant Award for Jones Pier Conservation Area Wetland and Hammock Restoration Project CZ219
Jones Pier
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8. Payment. <br />a. Payment Process. Subject to the terms and conditions established by the Agreement, the pricing per deliverable <br />established by the Grant Work Plan, and the billing procedures established by Department, Department agrees <br />to pay Grantee for services rendered in accordance with Section 215.422, Florida Statutes (F.S.). <br />b. Taxes. The Department is exempted from payment of State sales, use taxes and Federal excise taxes. The Grantee, <br />however, shall not be exempted from paying any taxes that it is subject to, including State sales and use taxes, or <br />for payment by Grantee to suppliers for taxes on materials used to fulfill its contractual obligations with <br />Department. The Grantee shall not use Department's exemption number in securing such materials. The Grantee <br />shall be responsible and liable for the payment of all its FICA/Social Security and other taxes resulting from this <br />Agreement. <br />c. Maximum Amount of Agreement The maximum amount of compensation under this Agreement, without an <br />amendment, is described in the Standard Grant Agreement. Any additional funds necessary for the completion of <br />this Project are the responsibility of Grantee. <br />d. Reimbursement for Costs. The Grantee shall be paid on a cost reimbursement basis for all eligible Project costs <br />upon the completion, submittal, and approval of each deliverable identified in the Grant Work Plan. <br />Reimbursement shall be requested on Exhibit C, Payment Request Summary Form. To be eligible for <br />reimbursement, costs must be in compliance with laws, rules, and regulations applicable to expenditures of State <br />funds, including, but not limited to, the Reference Guide for State Expenditures, which can be accessed at the <br />following web address: <br /> Guide For_State Expenditures.pdf. <br />e. Invoice Detail. All charges for services rendered or for reimbursement of expenses authorized by Department <br />pursuant to the Grant Work Plan shall be submitted to Department in sufficient detail for a proper pre -audit and <br />post -audit to be performed. The Grantee shall only invoice Department for deliverables that are completed in <br />accordance with the Grant Work Plan. <br />f. Interim Payments. Interim payments may be made by Department, at its discretion, if the completion of <br />deliverables to date have first been accepted in writing by Department's Grant Manager. <br />g. Final Payment Request. A final payment request should be submitted to Department no later than sixty (60) days <br />following the expiration date of the Agreement to ensure the availability of funds for payment. However, all <br />work performed pursuant to the Grant Work Plan must be performed on or before the expiration date of the <br />Agreement. <br />h. Annual Appropriation Contingency. The State's performance and obligation to pay under this Agreement is <br />contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature. This Agreement is not a commitment of future <br />appropriations. Authorization for continuation and completion of work and any associated payments may be <br />rescinded, with proper notice, at the discretion of Department if the Legislature reduces or eliminates <br />appropriations. <br />i. Interest Rates. All interest rates charged under the Agreement shall be calculated on the prevailing rate used by <br />the State Board of Administration. To obtain the applicable interest rate, please refer to: <br /> <br />j. Refund of Payments to the Department. Any balance of unobligated funds that have been advanced or paid must <br />be refunded to Department. Any funds paid in excess of the amount to which Grantee or subgrantee is entitled <br />under the terms of the Agreement must be refunded to Department. If this Agreement is funded with federal funds <br />and the Department is required to refund the federal government, the Grantee shall refund the Department its <br />share of those funds. <br />9. Documentation Required for Cost Reimbursement Grant Agreements and Match. <br />If Cost Reimbursement or Match is authorized in Attachment 2, Special Terms and Conditions, the following <br />conditions apply. Supporting documentation must be provided to substantiate cost reimbursement or match <br />requirements for the following budget categories: <br />a. Salary/Wages. Grantee shall list personnel involved, position classification, direct salary rates, and hours spent <br />on the Project in accordance with Attachment 3, Grant Work Plan in their documentation for reimbursement or <br />match requirements. <br />b. Overhead/Indirect/General and Administrative Costs. If Grantee is being reimbursed for or claiming match for <br />multipliers, all multipliers used (i.e., fringe benefits, overhead, indirect, and/or general and administrative rates) <br />shall be supported by audit. If Department determines that multipliers charged by Grantee exceeded the rates <br />supported by audit, Grantee shall be required to reimburse such funds to Department within thirty (30) days of <br />written notification. Interest shall be charged on the excessive rate. <br />Attachment 1 <br />3 of 11 <br />Rev. 6/19/2019 <br />
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