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INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />MEMORANDUM <br />CONSENT <br />TO: Jason E. Brown, County Administrator <br />THROUGH: Richard B. Szpyrka P.E., Public Works Director <br />FROM: Andy Sobczak, Infrastructure Project Manager <br />SUBJECT: Work Order No. 10, MBV Engineering, Inc. <br />Jackie Robinson Training Complex (FKA Historic Dodgertown) <br />Walking Trail, IRC -1908 <br />DATE: May 30, 2019 <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS <br />To compliment improvement efforts currently underway at the Jackie Robinson Training Complex (FKA <br />Historic Dodgertown) being completed under the County's lease agreement with Major League Baseball <br />(MLB), County Staff was tasked with requesting a proposal from MBV Engineering, Inc. for an interconnected <br />walking trail that would improve accessibility within the Complex, and provide a pedestrian connection to 43`d <br />Avenue and Aviation Boulevard. The proposed walking trail will include a pedestrian bridge connection to the <br />cloverleaf fields and a new tree line buffer along 43rd Avenue. <br />On April 17, 2018, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Continuing Consulting Engineering <br />Service Agreement for Professional Services with MBV Engineering, Inc. The purpose of Work Order No. 10 is <br />to provide design services, including permitting, bidding, and construction administration for an <br />interconnected walking trail at the Complex for a lump sum amount of $39,000.00. MBV Engineering, Inc. has <br />provided a preliminary estimated construction cost for the walking trail of $591,223.05. <br />FUNDING <br />Funding of $39,000 will be provided by a budget amendment from Optional Sales Tax/Cash Forward. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends approval of Work Order No. 10 with MBV Engineering, Inc. authorizing the professional <br />services as outlined in the Scope of Work and authorize the Chairman to execute Work Order No. 10 on their <br />behalf for a lump sum amount of $39,000.00. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />MBV Engineering, Inc. Work Order No. 10 <br />APPROVED AGENDA ITEM FOR JUNE 18, 2019 <br />F:\Public Works \ENGINEERING DIVISION PROJECTS\1908 Dodgretown Walking Traill-Admin\Agenda Items\Work Orders \IRC-1908_StaffRpt_W010_20190530.doc <br />79 <br />