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ANALYSIS: <br />Most, but not all, of the required subdivision improvements for Vero Beach Square PD have been <br />completed. As provided for under the LDRs applicable to this fmal plat application, the applicant is <br />proposing to "bond -out" for the remaining 7% of required subdivision improvements (e.g. utilities, <br />stormwater, and landscape). Public Works, Planning, and Utility Services have reviewed and approved <br />the submitted Engineer's Certified Cost Estimate for the remaining subdivision improvements. The <br />County Attorney's Office has reviewed and approved the submitted Contract for Construction of <br />Required Improvements. The County Attorney's Office has received a cash deposit and escrow <br />agreement with supporting security in the amount of $173,237.50 to guarantee construction of the <br />remaining required subdivision improvements. <br />All improvements within Vero Beach Square PD will be private, with the exception of certain utility <br />facilities. Those utility facilities have been dedicated to and guaranteed to Indian River County via <br />certificate of completion process for Phases 1 and 4.(the first 2 phases to be constructed within the <br />overall project). All requirements of fmal plat approval for Vero Beach Square PD have been satisfied. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends that the Board grant fmal PD plan/plat approval for Vero Beach Square PD. <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />1. Location Map <br />2. Final Plat Layout <br />43 <br />