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EXHIBIT A - SCOPE OF WORK <br />The COUNTY has requested MBV Engineering's additional assistance for the 43rd Avenue sidewalk <br />project. Based on a review of the project design and existing field conditions, it was determined that <br />additional drainage required replacement, which was outside of the original scope of the design <br />contract. MBV will also address FDOT Local Agency Program review comments with this scope of work. <br />MBV Engineering, Inc. then proposes to provide written responses and required plan revisions <br />necessary to complete the revisions associated with these improvements and required by FDOT for <br />their grant review. <br />DELIVERABLES <br />The Consultant shall provide the COUNTY with the following: <br />• Two (2) hard copies 11" x 17" of the Phase 1 plans <br />• Electric response to FDOT ERC <br />• One (1) electronic version of the Phase I plans in pdf format <br />EXHIBIT B - FEE SCHEDULE <br />The COUNTY agrees to pay and the Consultant agrees to accept for services rendered, pursuant to this <br />Agreement, fees inclusive of expenses in accordance with the following: <br />Task <br />Fee <br />Design Services <br />$ 3,000 <br />Work Authorization Total <br />$ 3,000 <br />ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br />When required by the COUNTY or the Contract Documents, where circumstances exist beyond the <br />Consultant's control, Consultant shall provide or obtain from others, as circumstances required, those <br />additional services not listed as part of the Work Order, the Consultant shall notify the COUNTY <br />promptly prior to commencing said Additional Services, and if agreed upon, will be paid for by County <br />in accordance with the Master Agreement, Professionals and vendor intended to provide additional <br />services shall first be approved by the COUNTY, in writing, by the COUNTY's Project Manager. <br />The COUNTY has selected the Consultant to perform the professional services set forth on this Work <br />Order. The professional services will be performed by the Consultant for the fee schedule set forth in <br />this Work Order. The Consultant will perform the professional services within the timeframe more <br />particularly set forth in this Work Order in accordance with the terms and provisions set forth in the <br />Agreement. Pursuant to paragraph 1.4 of the Agreement, nothing contained in any Work Order shall <br />conflict with the terms of the Agreement and the terms of the Agreement shall be deemed to be <br />incorporated in each individual Work Order as if fully set forth herein. <br />65 <br />