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INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Jason E. Brown, County Administrator <br />THROUGH: Richard B. Szpyrka, P.E., Public Works Director <br />FROM: Monique Filipiak, Land Acquisition Specialist <br />SUBJECT: Right -of -Way Acquisition - Extension of 11th Drive between 37th and 411 Streets <br />120037 1h Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960 <br />Owner: Indian River Surgery Properties, LLC <br />DATE: August 20, 2019 <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS <br />Public Works is requesting approval of the attached Purchase Agreement for a 2.20 acre parcel located at 1200 37th <br />Street, Vero Beach, FL. The property will be utilized for right-of-way and stormwater treatment purposes for the <br />future extension of 111h Drive from 37th Street to 411t Street. <br />In June of 2019, the Board of County Commissioners approved to amend the County Comprehensive Plan to modify <br />certain Levels of Service (LOS) in the Transportation Element. Specifically, the LOS for 37th Street was adjusted from <br />880 peak hour, peak season, peak direction trips, to 992 trips between US -1 and Indian River Boulevard. This was <br />necessary as staff pursued a better alternative to widening 37th Street from a two-lane roadway segment to a four - <br />lane roadway segment. As part of this alternative, staff has concluded that adding a north/south roadway segment <br />from the intersection of US -1 to 37th Street and from 37th Street to 411 Street would provide alternate routes in <br />order to reduce congestion on 37th Street. <br />County staff is currently working with the property owners north of this parcel, the Russell's and Riverfront Groves, <br />in preparing a Developers Agreement for right-of-way and cost sharing for the construction of 11th Drive. <br />Indian River Surgery Properties, LLC owns the 95,700 square foot +/- property located at the northeast corner of <br />37th Street and 12th Court. The property is zoned MED, Medical. The building was built in 1991 and operated as a <br />surgery center until June 2016 when it closed. <br />Staff obtained an appraisal of the property indicating a value of $1,550,000. The County offered Indian River <br />Surgery Properties, LLC the appraised value of $1,550,000 to purchase the property. The Seller accepted the <br />County's offer. Purchase of the property is contingent upon the successful completion of a Phase 1 Environmental <br />Assessment of the property by the County. <br />FUNDING <br />Funds for this expenditure is budgeted and available from Optional Sales Tax/ROW/371h Street/US 1 to Indian <br />River Boulevard Account # 31521441-066120-13009. <br />