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PROGRAM COVER PAGE <br />Organization Name: The Gifford Youth Orchestra <br />Executive Director: Crystal Bujol <br />E mail: <br />Address: 8 Vista Gardens Trail #102 Telephone: 772--778'5118 <br />Vero Beach, FL 32962 Fax: none <br />Program Director: Iva Powell <br />Address: 4061 42nd Sq <br />Vero Beach, FL 32967 <br />E-mail: <br />Telephone: 772-563-7072 <br />Fax: none <br />Program Title: <br />Staging for Success <br />Priority Need Area Addressed: <br />Priority Need 3 - After School and Summer recreational activities and academic enrichment <br />Brief Description of the Program: <br />The purpose of the Gifford Youth Orchestra (GYO) is to provide at -risk children who are living <br />below the poverty line with tools that can assist them in changing the trajectory of their lives <br />from poverty to success. The GYO seeks to change lives. GYO gives children a reason to <br />hope and to dream. GYO keeps children off the street and on the stage. GYO spotlights <br />children who are often tagged as being worthless, Tess than, and a threat to society. GYO <br />says to those children, "Yes you can!" Since 2003 the focus has been "More Violins -Less <br />Violence -Better Tomorrows." <br />For the past 16 years we have taught boys and girls with various levels of intellect, creativity, <br />emotional and physical stability and social resources to play string instruments, (including the <br />most difficult instrument in the orchestra - the violin), to read music, perform in front of <br />audiences, and tutor other students, both professionally outside of class schedules, as well as <br />being part of the GYO staff. In 2017, the GYO added the Piano Program so we could address <br />