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PROGRAM COVER PAGE <br />Organization Name: Early Learning Coalition of Indian River, Martin and Okeechobee Counties <br />Executive Director: Marsha B. Powers E-mail: <br />Address: 10 SE Central Parkway, Suite 200 Telephone: 772-223-3861 <br />Stuart, FL 34994 <br />Program Director: Pat Houston <br />Fax: 772-220-1229 <br />E-mail: <br />Address: 10 SE Central Parkway, Suite 200 Telephone: 772-223-3842 <br />Stuart, FL 34994 <br />Fax: 772-220-1229 <br />Program Title: <br />Facilitating Language Development in Young Children <br />Priority Need Area Addressed: <br />Priority Need 1 - Early Childhood Development <br />Brief Description of the Program: <br />This professional development program focuses on language development in young children, <br />with emphasis on classrooms with three- to five-year old children. The program is designed to <br />target the areas that brain research finds most beneficial for children's brain development, <br />including back -and -forth exchanges. Professional development will consist of coaching, <br />modeling and consultation, as well as training and technical assistance. <br />The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) will be used to conduct pre/post <br />assessments in which growth will be measured in the Instructional Support domain. This area <br />includes three key dimensions: Concept Development, Quality of Feedback, and Language <br />Modeling, all of which are critical in developing language skills in young children. Identification <br />of participating providers/classrooms will be based on several factors, including CLASS <br />scores, to include composite data and a breakdown of dimension scores within the <br />Instructional Support domain. <br />