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07/16/2019 (2)
07/16/2019 (2)
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Last modified
12/31/2019 2:09:39 PM
Creation date
11/18/2019 11:48:18 AM
Meeting Type
BCC Regular Meeting
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Meeting Date
Meeting Body
Board of County Commissioners
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Board of County Commissioners <br />Meeting Minutes - Final July 16, 2019 <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Solari, Vice Chairman Adams, Commissioner Flescher, Commissioner <br />O'Bryan, and Commissioner Zorc <br />12.G.4. 19-0629 Award of Contract for Meter Deployment Services <br />Recommended Action: <br />Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) authorize the <br />chairman to endorse the Agreement for Meter Deployment Services between <br />Indian River County and National Metering Services, Inc. for $3,083,663.80, <br />after final review and approval by the County Attorney. Staff also recommends <br />the BCC authorize staff to issue work change directives related to the Meter <br />Deployment program in order to assure that work can continue expeditiously <br />after discovery of unique field conditions as long as such directives do not alter <br />the overall scope of the program and do not exceed $308,366.00, as detailed in <br />Exhibit 2 of the contract. It is understood that upon completion of the project, <br />staff would provide a report to the BCC that fully describes the final authorized <br />amount. <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Agreement for Meter Deployment Services <br />Projected Pricing <br />Utility Services Director Vincent Burke used a PowerPoint Presentation to <br />provide a detailed explanation of the Automatic Meter Reader (AMR) project, <br />remarking that the AMR system would detect dead meters, water theft and <br />water leaks, increase efficiency in reading meters due to registering the meter <br />reads while driving by the general location of the meter, reduce the number of <br />vehicles needed for reading the meters, reduce liability and worker's <br />compensation claims, and extend the time between check valve replacements <br />from five (5) years to ten (10) years. In addition, he noted that customers <br />would be able to better manage their water usage by identifying leaks, which <br />would improve customer satisfaction and increase water conservation <br />awareness. <br />Director Burke spoke on National Metering Services, Inc. (NMS), the top rated <br />firm for Meter Deployment Services, and confirmed that all NMS employees <br />would be with identification, dressed in uniform, and driving NMS company <br />vehicles. He clarified the extensive Community Outreach Campaign, which <br />included toll free call center access to best provide information and answers to <br />all customers. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan received clarification from Director Burke that the <br />AMR meters would be able to be read through dirt and water; and that during <br />installation, a customer's water would be shut off approximately 20 minutes, <br />with the possibility of up to two (2) hours if issues were to arise. Director <br />Burke confirmed that approximately 500 AMR meters would be installed per <br />week. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 12 <br />
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