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Board of County Commissioners <br />Meeting Minutes - Final September 18, 2019 <br />Emergency Services District <br />E. 19-0882 Proposed millage is 2.3655 and is 5.22% above rollback rate of 2.2481. <br />The proposed budget is $42,203,283. <br />Attachments: RESOLUTIONS - ESD <br />- Open for public comments. <br />Chairman Solari opened the floor for public comments; there were none. <br />- Consider any proposed changes to tentative budget. <br />- Make a motion to approve the millage rate and adopt millage resolution. <br />Chairman Solari presented the proposed budget for the Emergency Services <br />District. <br />The Chairman opened the floor for public comments; there were none. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Flescher, seconded by Commissioner <br />Zorc, to approve the millage rate of 2.3655 for the Emergency Services <br />District, which is 5.22% above the rollback rate of 2.2481, and to approve <br />Resolution 2019-081, establishing the tax millage rate to be levied upon all <br />real and personal taxable property in Indian River County, Florida, for Fiscal <br />Year 2019/2020 for the Indian River County Emergency Services District. <br />The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Solari, Vice Chairman Adams, Commissioner Flescher, <br />Commissioner O'Bryan, and Commissioner Zorc <br />- Make a motion to approve dollar amount and adopt budget resolution. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Flescher, seconded by Commissioner <br />O'Bryan, to approve the dollar amount of $42,203,283, for the Emergency <br />Services District, and to approve Resolution 2019-082, amending the County <br />Budget Officer's estimates of receipts other than taxes and of balances to be <br />brought forward for Fiscal Year 2019/2020 and adopting a final budget for the <br />Emergency Services District. The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Solari, Vice Chairman Adams, Commissioner Flescher, <br />Commissioner O'Bryan, and Commissioner Zorc <br />Land Acquisition Bonds --2004 Referendum <br />Indian River County Florida Page 5 <br />