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Preparation of a Consumptive Use Permit application <br />Permit application fee; or <br />Modeling changes for Requests for Additional Information. <br />OWNER's RESPONSIBILITIES <br />The OWNER will provide all available data requested by the CONSULTANT for the purpose of completing <br />the aforementioned tasks. The data necessary for this project are, but not limited to the following: <br />• Projected water use demands for IRCUD in electronic format. <br />The OWNER will also provide a timely review of all work products. <br />SCHEDULE <br />It is anticipated that the Project will take a total of 3 months to complete, starting within two weeks of <br />receipt of a formal notice to proceed (NTP). The groundwater modeling report with impact evaluations <br />is estimated to be completed within 90 days of Notice -to -Proceed. CONSULTANT will prepare an <br />updated detailed schedule within the first 10 calendar days after Notice to Proceed. <br />COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT <br />Compensation for the work described in this Work Order shall be made on the basis of a lump sum fee. <br />The lump sum fee for Tasks 1 and 2, inclusive, is $64,800 as shown in Exhibits B-1 and B-2. CONSULTANT <br />will invoice OWNER on a monthly basis based on percent complete. For invoice purposes only, the value <br />of each task is as shown in the Table 1. <br />Table 1 <br />TASK VALUE FOR INVOICE PURPOSE <br />TASK DESCRIPTION <br />VALUE <br />1 Groundwater Modeling and Impact Evaluations <br />$57,390 <br />2 Project and Quality Management <br />$7,410 <br />TOTAL WORK ORDER NO. 6 - LUMP SUM <br />$64,800 <br />Page 4 of 4 F:\Utilities\UTILITY-Engineering\WATER\CUP-10524\Admin\CDMProposal11- <br />Smith 19-19.docx <br />