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12/13/2019 11:29:01 AM
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12/13/2019 11:15:50 AM
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The Buggy Bunch
Family Fun Fest November 14, 2020
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(g) Duration — Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Applicant's liabilities intended to be <br />covered by the insurance coverage(s) required under this section shall survive and not be <br />terminated, reduced or otherwise limited by any expiration or termination of particular <br />policies for insurance coverages. <br />(h) Sovereign Entities — State and federal agencies eligible for sovereign immunity may submit a <br />statement of self-insurance for liability as allowed by the applicable state or federal statute. <br />Such statement will be acceptable in place of insurance requirements defined herein. <br />(i) Financial Responsibility — Applicant shall obtain insurance by an insurer holding a current <br />certificate of authority pursuant to Chapter 624, Florida Statutes, or a company that is <br />declared as an approved Surplus Lines carrier under Chapter 626, Florida Statutes. Such <br />insurance shall be written by an insurer with an A.M. Best Rating of A -VII or better. <br />Applicant must maintain continuation of the required insurance throughout the Event, which <br />includes load -in, setup, tear down, and load -out. <br />(j) Evidence of Financial Responsibility — Applicant must provide a certificate of insurance to <br />the County's Risk Manager, demonstrating the maintenance of the required insurance <br />including the additional insured endorsement 30 days prior to the Event Date. Upon written <br />request, the Applicant shall make its insurance policies and endorsements available to the <br />County's Risk Manager. The County's Risk Manager shall approve the Applicant's insurance <br />if it complies with this License Agreement's requirements, including, if any, additional <br />insurance coverages deemed necessary by the Risk Manager. No material alteration or <br />cancellation, including expiration and non -renewal of Applicant's insurance, shall be <br />effective until 30 days after receipt of written notice by the County from the Applicant or the <br />Applicant's insurance company. <br />(k) Discretionary Authority — Depending upon the nature of any aspect of any event and its <br />accompanying exposures and liabilities, the County may, at its sole option, require additional <br />insurance coverages not listed above, in amounts responsive to those liabilities, which may or <br />may not require that the County also be named as an additional insured. <br />(1) Applicant is required to immediately notify the County of any incident, accident, occurrences <br />and/or claims made in connection with the Event. <br />15. Applicants seeking a permit for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages per section <br />205.09 of the Indian River County Code of Ordinances shall submit the purveyor's name no less <br />than 45 days prior to the Event to the County. At least 30 days prior to the Event, the Applicant <br />shall submit copies of the alcohol vendor's required state alcoholic beverage licenses and <br />insurance certificate in accordance with Section B. 17 to the County. <br />16. If default occurs on the part of the Applicant in fulfillment of any of the terms, covenants or <br />conditions, including the timely submittal of all documents set forth in Section B, of this <br />License Agreement, the County may terminate this License Agreement and decline to issue any <br />and all permits necessary for the Event. In such case, the rent, taxes, fees, deposits and any <br />Fairgrou License Agreement Page 9 of 13 <br />Initial t <br />
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