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A <br />APTIM <br />November 20, 2019 <br />Ms. Kendra Cope, M.S. <br />Natural Resources Manager <br />Indian River County Public Works <br />1801 27th Street <br />Vero Beach, FL 32960 <br />Subject: Indian River County, FL <br />Sector 4 - Work Order 2018008-2 <br />Critically Eroded Area Analysis <br />Dear Kendra: <br />Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC <br />2481 NW Boca Raton Blvd. <br />Boca Raton, FL 33431 <br />Tel: +1 561 391 8102 <br />Fax: +1 561 391 9116 <br /> <br />This proposal outlines a scope of work for the services required to submit a request to FDEP for <br />designation of Sector 4 as a Critically Eroded Area (CEA). Currently, there are three CEAs in Indian River <br />County including the shorelines from R-1 to R-51.3, R-70 to R-86, and R-99 to R-115.7. <br />Scope of Work <br />Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC (APTIM) will develop a request to FDEP to extend the CEA <br />from R-51.3 to R-70 to include the southern portion of Sector 3 (R-51.3 to R-55) and the majority of Sector <br />4 (R-55 to R-70). Historic monitoring reports and data analyzed as part of the 2019 Beach Preservation <br />Plan update will be reviewed to support this designation. In addition, research will be conducted to see if <br />any new information is available that meets the eligibility criteria. The following definition has been <br />adopted by the FDEP to identify CEA eligibility: <br />Critically eroded area is a segment of the shoreline where natural processes or human <br />activity have caused or contributed to erosion and recession of the beach or dune system to <br />such a degree that upland development, recreational interests, wildlife habitat, or important <br />cultural resources are threatened or lost. Critically eroded areas may also include peripheral <br />segments or gaps between identified critically eroded areas which, although they may be <br />stable or slightly erosional now, their inclusion is necessary for continuity of management of <br />the coastal system or for the design integrity of adjacent beach management projects. <br />APTIM will conduct a simple profile recession analysis using SBEACH to see if the beach is vulnerable <br />to over wash under 25 year or 100 year average storm conditions. This analysis will be conducted based <br />on existing information and does not include any field investigations, complex calculations or advanced <br />numerical modeling. The engineer may conduct a site visit if deemed appropriate in support of the <br />request. <br />