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Treasure Coast Sports Commission
TCSC Sports Marketing
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EXHIBIT A <br />The Ofganbatlon's Board of ObeCols has approved this application on (date): <br />1,6cheelstu¢ke `-✓ - <br />resident oBoas Slgcar <br />ur <br />Rpt Hoteher <br />E Org. zali- Stonature / <br />B Organ[aBon Cppabiliiy - <br />1. Provide the Icksion scitement and vissn of your org an®tion: <br />hasslon Statemen` <br />The TmOs- COHst Snorts Cerrarir" sign fs a n.14.r-p fh Florida Camorallm that ommotes and anmas snodina events m the Treasure Coam that have a cosi" <br />co ommlaa G <br />an Indian River Cdunly. Martin Couniv d St Lurie County. —' <br />Visor: <br />The TCSC has deveMoed artnershlps waft recreation deoertments, sUrools, businesses oovom gnu, and otheromantratipns m eclmarsh the els of hs msdon smlement <br />Indian River Cauniv la a scene desitnation car basabal. sD=rswmrinc, caw, pins sphbae, shooting consehimn, tennis and ace. <br />2. Pmvm9 a brief sUmmary at your organ=or, Including areas of esper0se. acconv2shmenis and pDPUI wn served. <br />The TCSCis an induslry oarmer of Fiedde Spons Feu dat'mn a divison of Entemdse Flcdda end a merrber of the Nadonat A=ciatlon of Soons Com misstorts OMASC) <br />Tha TCSC rias bmuoM numerous monlnd a encs m rite Treasure Coast Mout hm the Treasure Coast <br />Pmsidenfs Qav Gtalenbe9ovs d== Sorra Fbdda Co0eoe System AetNnles Assodatldn (FCSAAI FHSAA <br />Softball FinalsUSSSA Super NITBase bol Youth Majors, USSSA South Florida Slate W Chem Ienshias g Special Ohemoics Florida A ua0c Chorraionshkm <br />A current and orevims On or events are on the TCSC webshe. The TCSC services all aces from 8.90+. <br />The TOSC is warldno v*h Nsmne Dodoenovm and Indian River County Perks g Recreation in <br />semrino sporifrta events that will have a pvs?.km economic inaaa and establish Indmn River County as a sports destination fora0 a.- <br />3. Brie0y fist any centrmtIons,ondler aceeddatlons obtained byyouragenq. <br />The TCSC is reoanbed by State or Florida as one at 28 Scoffs Commis,ionsand a member in deed standino with the National Asseciatbn of Soong Ccmmisslons. <br />a. Organlcmon COPability (Confirtued) - <br />d. How does yvurpmgram differfrom similar ones provided in the carrmundy? Flow do the programs comp(emoni In-. offered by other agencies? <br />The TCSC focuses on ottraeind reoienal state, national and International soortha events. The TCSC e91 auras snorting -vents that 0 e"ect the eombited Treasure Copst co -111 -as a whole <br />Tha TCSCkvmrldn-vAlb the tntgan WverCnunty Re=g',fnn Denemmant Historic Dotldenown mdcrn Kver SecarA Rnr Rnn+-- n z <br />EXHIBIT A <br />AGENCY REQUEST FOR FUN13ING FROM INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />A- Program Cover Page FISCAL YEAR 2019/2020 <br />Agency; Treasure Coast Sports Comrnis'on Telephone- 772-871-5358 <br />Con <br />Contact HalUv Fad: 772-871542' <br />Tom: Execu0 a Onecmr <br />Mail, nnl h>r.n r•.az rremas:snnnx nra <br />Add.— P.O. Boa 882172 <br />Pod SL Lucie FL 34488 <br />Wcbshe Address: •::.�nvlmareunC_nn=SFlnndn.rrrr <br />Program TNa: Snorts Toudam-Soong Madre lino <br />I ceniy that etfortrtati cert ed h ltd applcadon aowtaley renew the activides of this agency and that the eapenottums or potions Ihemal forwhldt County hinds <br />souse. <br />are being requested <br />are not reimbursed by any other <br />Signature Rick Hatcher- Esenttive 04rector <br />' <br />PMI name and OIL <br />Brief Description of the Pmcrmm forwhlchfunding crequasted: <br />Furrding is reduesled far admin'saauve costs bid fees rams! onmmh'sand moram e:rpenses rormdrst <br />t!21l that r.17 ipceaee mom mvenue at hotels Q rrmets and also neve a OSNve eCdnpmc MbaC w1thh1 <br />In01en Weer Cbun P.nidoants and 108=10rs win spend dollars on rood gas and other services that 1 <br />etaeese sales 18a revenue, murlst tea revenue end business revenue. Some ofthe wens scheduled are: <br />' <br />FHSAA Softball Finals, SCedal Ohrm les Florida A rraOc Cha ionstdos, i7prrin Bova end Gals 6ocxr - <br />USSSA Boys Baseball g Gels Sortbed. Calcar 6 h SMool S Tralnin Bacaball and Sohbag at i W do Dod enovm <br />Summa Robert <br />Amount requested from Indian River County for 2019/2020 5210 000 <br />TatalPmposed Program Budgetfpr2019/2020 U25,01)0 <br />Percent pt Total Pra'am Budget 29.00 <br />Currant Funding (2 01 812 01 9) <br />S200 008 <br />002w increase!(deruease) in request 510,000 <br />Percent increase/decrease in request- S.00Y <br />If request increesed 5Y, or mote. bdefty eaplaln why: <br />The Ofganbatlon's Board of ObeCols has approved this application on (date): <br />1,6cheelstu¢ke `-✓ - <br />resident oBoas Slgcar <br />ur <br />Rpt Hoteher <br />E Org. zali- Stonature / <br />B Organ[aBon Cppabiliiy - <br />1. Provide the Icksion scitement and vissn of your org an®tion: <br />hasslon Statemen` <br />The TmOs- COHst Snorts Cerrarir" sign fs a n.14.r-p fh Florida Camorallm that ommotes and anmas snodina events m the Treasure Coam that have a cosi" <br />co ommlaa G <br />an Indian River Cdunly. Martin Couniv d St Lurie County. —' <br />Visor: <br />The TCSC has deveMoed artnershlps waft recreation deoertments, sUrools, businesses oovom gnu, and otheromantratipns m eclmarsh the els of hs msdon smlement <br />Indian River Cauniv la a scene desitnation car basabal. sD=rswmrinc, caw, pins sphbae, shooting consehimn, tennis and ace. <br />2. Pmvm9 a brief sUmmary at your organ=or, Including areas of esper0se. acconv2shmenis and pDPUI wn served. <br />The TCSCis an induslry oarmer of Fiedde Spons Feu dat'mn a divison of Entemdse Flcdda end a merrber of the Nadonat A=ciatlon of Soons Com misstorts OMASC) <br />Tha TCSC rias bmuoM numerous monlnd a encs m rite Treasure Coast Mout hm the Treasure Coast <br />Pmsidenfs Qav Gtalenbe9ovs d== Sorra Fbdda Co0eoe System AetNnles Assodatldn (FCSAAI FHSAA <br />Softball FinalsUSSSA Super NITBase bol Youth Majors, USSSA South Florida Slate W Chem Ienshias g Special Ohemoics Florida A ua0c Chorraionshkm <br />A current and orevims On or events are on the TCSC webshe. The TCSC services all aces from 8.90+. <br />The TOSC is warldno v*h Nsmne Dodoenovm and Indian River County Perks g Recreation in <br />semrino sporifrta events that will have a pvs?.km economic inaaa and establish Indmn River County as a sports destination fora0 a.- <br />3. Brie0y fist any centrmtIons,ondler aceeddatlons obtained byyouragenq. <br />The TCSC is reoanbed by State or Florida as one at 28 Scoffs Commis,ionsand a member in deed standino with the National Asseciatbn of Soong Ccmmisslons. <br />a. Organlcmon COPability (Confirtued) - <br />d. How does yvurpmgram differfrom similar ones provided in the carrmundy? Flow do the programs comp(emoni In-. offered by other agencies? <br />The TCSC focuses on ottraeind reoienal state, national and International soortha events. The TCSC e91 auras snorting -vents that 0 e"ect the eombited Treasure Copst co -111 -as a whole <br />Tha TCSCkvmrldn-vAlb the tntgan WverCnunty Re=g',fnn Denemmant Historic Dotldenown mdcrn Kver SecarA Rnr Rnn+-- n z <br />EXHIBIT A <br />
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