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be awarded. <br />Payment 1, DefiverabWrask 1 <br />Payment will be an advance in the armut of 100% of the giant award for the period October 1, 2017 though June 30, 2020. <br />The Grantee wft <br />o Have expended funds to provide free library service during the period October 1, 2017 - September <br />30, 2018; <br />o Provide an Expenditure Report and certification of Local Operating Expenditures for the period <br />October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2018 only; <br />o Provide documentation showing that at least one library, branch library or member library is open <br />40 hours or more each week (excluding holidays; between Sunday through Saturday, on a schedule <br />determined by the library system) during the length of the agreement; <br />o Provide the Certification of Credentials for the Single Administrative Head; and <br />o Provide a Certification of Hours, Free Library Service and Access to Materials. <br />c) Grant funds shall be used for the operation and maintenance of the library. The allowable budget <br />categories are: Personnel Services (salaries, wages, and related employee benefits provided for all <br />persons employed by the reporting entity whether on full-time, part-time, temporary, or seasonal basis); <br />Operating Expenses (expenditures for goods and services which primarily benefit the current period and <br />are not defined as personal services or capital outlays); Non -Fixed Capital Outlay (outlays for the <br />acquisition of or addition to fixed assets); and Other (other operating expenditure categories in the library <br />budget). <br />2. Length of Agreement.This Agreement covers the period of October 1, 2017 to June 30, 2020, unless <br />terminated in accordance with the provisions of Section 28 of this Agreement. This period begins with the start <br />of the Grantee's second preceding fiscal year (October 1, 2017) and concludes with the end of the State of <br />Florida's current fiscal year (June 30, 2020). <br />3. Expenditure of Grant Funds. Grant funds will be used to reimburse a portion of local funds expended by the <br />Grantee during their second preceding fiscal year (October 1, 2017 — September 30, 2018) for the operation <br />and maintenance of a library and shall not exceed the amount specified in Attachment B. No costs incurred <br />after the second preceding fiscal year shall be allowed unless specifically authorized by the Division. <br />4. Contract Administration. The parties are legally bound by the requirements of this agreement. Each party's <br />contract manager, named below, will be responsible for monitoring its performance under this Agreement and <br />will be the official contact for each party. Any notice(s) or other communications in regard to this agreement <br />shall be directed to or delivered to the other party's contract manager by utilizing the information below. Any <br />change in the contact information below should be submitted in writing to the contract manager within 10 days <br />of the change. <br />For the Division of library and Information Services: <br />Marian Deeney, Library Program Administrator <br />Florida Department of State <br />Page; 2 <br />Slalc Aid to I.ihroiics 0 -mu Agrcanrt (1-unn DLIS SAO_') <br />(haplcr IR 2.DI IlZlla 1. Plutid:t Adwilt utrat i\ r ( talc. I Irrt INC IN>- M <br />