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Work Order
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Kimley-Horn and Associates
Upper Floridian Aquifer monitor well data logger installation,
aquifer testing, and water level evaluation
Project Number
CCNA2018 Work order 29
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EXHIBIT #1 <br />Work Order Number 29 <br />Upper Floridan Aquifer Monitor Data Logger Installation, Aquifer Testing, and <br />Water Level Evaluation <br />PROJECT UNDERSTANDING <br />Consultant has been requested to provide hydrogeologic consulting services related to monitoring <br />well water levels in the North Wellfield. The scope of work consists of the purchase and <br />installation of electronic water level monitoring data loggers in four (4) existing IRCU <br />Upper Floridan Aquifer (UFA) monitoring wells (MN1, MN2, MN3, and NIS 1) and the <br />rental and installation of electronic water level monitoring data loggers in three (3) offsite <br />UFA irrigation wells (owned by others). Following data logger installation, Consultant <br />will plan and coordinate an aquifer performance test (APT) with KHA and IRCU at the <br />Hobart (North) Water Treatment Plant (WTP) utilizing the existing UFA production <br />wells. The APT will be implemented in a way to minimize impacts to North WTP <br />operations, but also allows for the evaluation of monitoring well water level data to <br />calculate site specific aquifer characteristic. Following testing, Consultant will <br />summarize and tabulate water level and pumping data and generate a brief technical <br />memorandum outlining the testing procedure, results, and recommendations. <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Task 1: Floridan Aquifer Data Logger Installation <br />Consultant will procure and install four (4) In -Situ Level Troll 700 electronic water level <br />data loggers in four (4) existing IRCU UFA monitor wells for continuous water level <br />monitoring. Three (3) of the IRCU monitor wells are located at the North WTP and <br />include MN1, MN2, and MN3 and will be used in the APT and one (1) is located at the <br />South Plant (MS 1). The permanent data logger installations for the four IRCU MW's <br />will include 5 feet of communication cable, large desiccant adaptors, two threaded <br />surface mounted data logger adaptors, two artesian well adaptors, and one Bluetooth <br />enabled communication adaptor. Consultant will provide and install three (3) In -Situ <br />Level Troll 700 electronic water level data loggers, cables and desiccant adaptors at three <br />offsite monitor wells selected by IRCU based on access for a 14 day continuous <br />monitoring period. <br />Task 2: North WTP Aquifer Performance Testing and Reporting <br />Consultant will assist in the planning, coordination and implementation of an APT using <br />the IRCU North WTP production wells. The APT plan will be designed to keep within <br />WTP operational constraints but allow for the evaluation of groundwater withdrawals on <br />UFA monitoring well water level data to generate site specific aquifer characteristics. <br />The APT plan will incorporate background data collection, a 24 - 48 hour pumping <br />period, and a recovery period. The proposed APT plan shall be performed within a <br />F:\Utilities\UTILITY - Engineering\WATER\CUP-10524\Admin\KHA\WTP Monitoring Well & Testing Proposal 12.16.19.docxPage <br />1 of 3 <br />
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