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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final November 5, 2019 <br />was approved by the Board. In addition, he highlighted the Other Corridors <br />Special Development Regulations, the Existing and Adjacent Zoning, and the <br />Criteria Analyzed, making mention that a detailed concurrency review would be <br />done at the time of the project development plan review. Chief Schutt stated <br />that there would be no adverse environmental impacts as a result of rezoning <br />the two (2) properties, and that the Planning and Zoning Commission and <br />County staff had recommended approval of the rezoning request. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan received confirmation from Chief Schutt regarding the <br />possibility of a Dollar General retail store being built on one of the properties. <br />The Commissioner then inquired and received clarification from Public Works <br />Director Rich Szpyrka about the increase of traffic to the area. <br />Jeremy Anderson, Common Oak Engineering, 1201 Louisiana Ave, Winter <br />Park, the engineer of record for Hanlex Development, LLC, spoke on the Urban <br />Service Area and the Concurrency Review. He mentioned that the proposed <br />rezoning request was consistent with the Indian River County 2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan and would bring the property into zoning compliance with <br />the County's Land Development Regulations. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan inquired about the property owned by Sogra Properties, <br />LLC, and Mr. Anderson stated that he was unaware of any planned <br />development. <br />Michael Weaver, 2746 25th Street SW, provided several reasons for not <br />supporting the rezoning request. <br />Vance Houdyshell, 897 Indian Lane, a property owner involved in the request <br />to rezone, commented that the request was a zoning correction, not a site plan <br />review/approval. <br />Community Development Director Roland DeBlois remarked that the <br />properties involved in the request had been zoned for commercial use for many <br />years, but had not been developed. He emphasized that the hearing was for <br />rezoning, not for site plan approval. <br />Lisa Doidge, 1716 Highland Drive SW, was not against the rezoning request, <br />but she did not support an additional dollar store being built in the area. <br />Joseph Paladin, President of Black Swan Consulting, spoke in support of the <br />rezoning request. <br />Peter Robinson, 315 Greytwig Road, supported the request to rezone the <br />property. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 11 <br />