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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes -Final September 13, 2019 <br /> Chuck Kirby spoke on his concern of the number of deputies leaving the Sheriffs <br /> Office to go to other counties for higher wages. <br /> Greg Stanley expressed his feelings regarding the Sheriffs Proposal. He asked the <br /> Board for fairness and for their consideration in moving deputies with over 20 years <br /> of service to the top of the pay scale. <br /> Attorney Harpring, in response to former Sheriff Roy Raymond,asked if County <br /> Attorney Dylan Reingold would clarify his request for the submission of those <br /> presentations. Attorney Reingold explained that he had requested documents from <br /> both parties as part of the final agenda packet that was provided to the Board in <br /> preparations for the hearing. <br /> There being no further speakers,the Chairman referred back to the Board to <br /> deliberate. <br /> Commissioner Flescher agreed that the starting salary was not up to par and that the <br /> Sheriffs Office was losing valuable veterans whose experience and knowledge in <br /> that field was very important. He recommended a base salary increase of 5% <br /> instead of the 4.3% . <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Flescher, seconded by Commissioner Zorc, <br /> for discussion to accept the Special Magistrate's Recommendations: 1)Increase the <br /> starting salary to $42,000; 2)Those deputies hired on or after April 30, 2018 who <br /> have one year of service shall have their salary adjusted to $43,000 effective the <br /> first full pay period of October 2018; 3)Bargaining Unit members hired before <br /> April 30, 2018 and unaffected by recommendation(2) shall receive a 5%, instead of <br /> 4.3%increase in their base salary. Should this calculation produce a result that is <br /> less than $43,000, any such Deputy so affected shall have his/her base salary <br /> adjusted to $43,000 with any balance given to any such Deputy in lump sum <br /> fashion; 4)Increase the top salary by 4.3%resulting in a new top salary of$65,867; <br /> 5)Move those bargaining unit members who have at least 20 years of experience <br /> with the County to an annual salary of$63,151,and 6)Those bargaining unit <br /> members who were already at the top of the pay grade ($63,151) shall move to the <br /> new top salary of$65,867. <br /> UNDER DISCUSSION, Commissioner O'Bryan felt that the Special Magistrate's <br /> Recommendation number 6: Those bargaining unit members who were already at <br /> the top of the pay($63,151) shall move to the new top salary of$65,867 should be <br /> included in next year's collective bargaining between the parties. He pointed out <br /> that with the collective bargaining continuing, an opportunity was missed to hire <br /> new recruits at a higher pay scale and that during the economic downturn,no <br /> County employees were given raises for five years. He felt neither the Special <br /> Magistrate's or <br /> Indian River County Florida Page 5 <br />