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5% respectively. Tr. 8-9, 50. These wage increases have been evenly applied to all bargaining <br /> unit employees (and have been effective or retroactive to October 1 2016 and 2017). Tr. 49, 50. <br /> The wages for the current fiscal year offered to other employees were offered "across the board"; <br /> however, not for this bargaining unit. See Tr. 71 (Sergeants and Lieutenants bargaining units <br /> received "across the board raises") <br /> Negotiations for the current wage reopeners began in early 2018. Tr. 9. The intention of <br /> starting negotiations so early was to provide the Sheriff ample opportunity to hear the Union's <br /> proposals before he presented his budget request to the Indian River Board of County <br /> Commissioners ("BOCC") in July 2018. Tr. 9. Pursuant to the CBA, wages would be effective <br /> on October 1, 2018. Employer Ex. 1. See also Union Ex. 1. <br /> III. UNION'S INITIAL PROPOSAL <br /> The initial negotiations between the parties were presented in very broad terms. Tr. 55. <br /> Essentially, the Parties agreed that the Sheriff should ask for as much as possible in order to <br /> increase wages and remain competitive with the surrounding jurisdictions. However,the Union's <br /> position from the outset was that all bargaining unit employees who have at least twenty(20)years' <br /> experience with the Indian River County Sheriff's Office ("Sheriff's Office") should be brought <br /> to the top of the pay scale ($63,151.00) if not already topped out. See Union Exhibit 3, Pg. 3. See <br /> also, Tr. 10. The Union provided a list to the Sheriff's Office's negotiating team at the outset of <br /> negotiations. See Union Ex. 3, Pg. 3. This list contained fifteen (15) employees. Subsequently, <br /> one employee has left employment and fourteen (14) employees are still subject to this proposal. <br /> Because there is no Step Plan at the Sheriff's Office,these long-term employees have been unable <br /> to reach topped out salary even though they have provided extensive service to the Sheriff's Office <br /> 2 <br /> 19 <br />