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4. Increase the top salary by 4.3%resulting in a new top salary of$65,867; <br /> 5. Move those bargaining unit members who have at least 20 years of experience with the <br /> County to an annual salary of$63,151; and <br /> 6. Those bargaining unit members who were already at the top of the pay grade($63,151) <br /> shall move to the new top salary of$65,867. <br /> Further, Magistrate Campagna clarified in a subsequent communication with the Parties <br /> that all of the aspects of his recommendation were to be retroactive to October 1, 2018 ("the first <br /> full pay period of October 2018"). A copy of Magistrate Campagna's entire recommendation is <br /> included as an attachment to this correspondence. <br /> On June 27, 2019, the Deputies Association held a vote for the entire bargaining unit to <br /> determine if the employees would accept, reject, or accept in-part the recommendation by <br /> Magistrate Campagna. Of 111 votes cast, 90 employees voted to accept the recommendation in <br /> its entirety. <br /> Magistrate Campagna's decision is extremely well reasoned and accounted for all of the <br /> arguments presented by both parties. It is of important note that Magistrate Campagna's decision <br /> did not grant the Association every item it requested. However, Magistrate Campagna was able <br /> to address all of the pertinent issues brought before him including: <br /> 1. The retention epidemic at the Indian River County Sheriffs Office; <br /> 2. The lack of an "across the board raise" (in that new employees receive in excess of a <br /> 9% raise while some senior employees would receive just over a 3% raise); and <br /> 3. The need to bring long-tenured employees(20-plus year Deputies)to topped-out salary. <br /> For reference, the Association's Brief to Magistrate Campagna, which addresses these issues in <br /> greater detail, is included as an attachment. <br /> The Association and vast majority of the bargaining unit recognizes that the recommended <br /> compromises offered by Magistrate Campagna are reasonable to everyone involved. Therefore, <br /> the Deputies Association respectfully requests that the Board of County Commissioners follow <br /> Magistrate Campagna's recommendations and issue a decision consistent with his decision. <br /> 2 � Pac <br /> 36 <br />