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Two (2) additional full-time positions are proposed in FY 2019/20 at a cost of $105,594. One Aik <br />Recreation Facilities Supervisor is being added to the iG Facility while one (1) part-time Staff Assistant up <br />being reclassified to full-time at the Shooting Range. The additional full-time Staff Assistant I and two (2) <br />temporary positions will provide increased flexibility among personnel at the Shooting Range and allow for <br />the addition of night hours one day per week. <br />Based on the July 1 certified tax roll, the assessed value increased 6.97%; new construction added <br />2.21%, while existing values increased 4.76%. The proposed millage rate for the M.S.T.U. Fund is <br />1.1506, which is increasing 0.0773 or 7.2% from the current fiscal year. This is 12.31% above the rolled <br />back rate. <br />Transportation Fund <br />The recommended budget for the Transportation Fund is $17,616,405, reflecting an increase of $37 or <br />0.0% (page 37). Some of the major factors impacting the Transportation Fund budget are presented <br />below: <br />• Staffing increase — 3 full-time positions, $159,883 <br />• Increased Health Insurance Costs - $171,420 <br />• Increase in Engineering Fees effective March 1, 2019 - $210,000 increased revenue <br />There are three (3) additional positions recommended in the Transportation Fund budget. These include <br />one (1) Staff Assistant II in County Engineering to aide in the digitizing of archived documents, and one <br />(1) Traffic Signal Technician II which is necessary to complete the level of required maintenance as the <br />signal system ages. One (1) additional Stormwater Maintenance Worker in the Stormwater division is <br />proposed as a result of the newly operational Osprey Acres Stormwater Facility. <br />Constitutional gas taxes are budgeted to increase by $52,925 while County gas tax revenues reflect an <br />increase of $15,000. Transfers from the General Fund and M.S.T.U. will account for 66.4% of total <br />revenues next year compared to 63.0% for the current year. <br />12 <br />