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RESOLUTION NO. 2020- 017 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY SUPPORTING AN APPLICATION BY THE <br />FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR CONSTRUCTION <br />OF THE I-95 INTERCHANGE AT OSLO ROAD. <br />WHEREAS, Interstate 95 is part of Florida's Strategic Intermodal System; <br />WHEREAS, the I-95/Oslo Road interchange is the Indian River County MPO's highest - <br />ranked priority on the Strategic Intermodal System; <br />WHEREAS, the I-95/Oslo Road interchange will provide a vital new hurricane evacuation <br />route serving residents of southern Indian River County and northern St. Lucie County; <br />WHEREAS, the US Department of Transportation provides critical funding for <br />infrastructure projects each year across the United States through discretionary grant programs; and <br />WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Transportation intends to submit the construction of <br />the I-95/Oslo Road interchange for discretionary funding through the US Department of <br />Transportation. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE INDIAN RIVER COUNTY BOARD OF <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: <br />1. That the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County hereby supports the <br />application by the Florida Department of Transportation for construction of the I-95/Oslo <br />Road interchange. <br />2. That the Indian River County Community Development Director or his designee is <br />authorized to furnish such additional information as the Florida Department of <br />Transportation may require in connection with the grant application. <br />THIS RESOLUTION was moved for adoption by Joseph E. Flescher , and the <br />motion was seconded by Tim Zorc , and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was <br />as follows: <br />Chairman Susan Adams AYE <br />Vice -Chairman Joseph E. Flescher AYE <br />Commissioner Peter D. O' Bryan AYE <br />F:ACommunity Development\Users\MPO\Meetings\t3CC\2020\olso road resolution bcc.docx <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />