<br />i> iiu HILANKET UC -E- $ AGn"7[ n, made and entered into, In'duplicate, this 2 � day of
<br />'Ye !' D.,19�_ l y and between FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY Ct31K'FPANY, hereina€ler called
<br />'Wailway` And iNDiAN RLV &Ji C-Olj VTY, a pohtEcai: sobdWislon of the state of Florida, c% Department of Utility
<br />Services, 1.84A 25tH Strec4, VizoBcach;:}�Iori¢e 3 96Ct,'iieceiaaftrxoaJled "Licensee".
<br />'W IT'N RS S E'TH:
<br />WSIERBAS else �iccnsee has.'heretofbre constrycted and' now tnauitains overhead and subgrade appliances and.
<br />fixitues crossing,oe aad"e'c t} J wa}±s sight of'way and "over and under thetracks and !facilities of the lRailway.'at points
<br />listed oalhe-schedule market ,'Scher l M and
<br />W1V1 EASE the L,icea may -desire in $6 future to construct and maintain. additional crossings iising, certain
<br />pipes, Poles, guys,Anch4t ;;,v wpension Jlnes.ft?r'ihc su;ue, all of which are sometimes hereinafter cal ed "appliances",
<br />"fixturesl-4 or *facilJties` on end across the ri�j of way and over andunderthe tracks of the Railway from time -to time. -at
<br />other points alongthe light of wayofsaid Railway,. and'
<br />VVMR9AS,bApa * hereto ere dmi►vus of entering into an agree; =A which shall cover the terms upon which
<br />such' etosssings•irave heretofore.ictri apd may heieatter be riiade,
<br />NOW 714ERLFC4MtheRsilway, forvahtable.oat iderstion and the covenants and agrrements ofmid.Licensee.
<br />hereinader'safrath, does hmby give tovLiccnsea.the right and Privilege to construct, install and miiintain said appliances,
<br />fixtures, fanilitfes dr crossings: on.and:scross iiaway's right of way and over °and under the tracks and.facilitics-of said
<br />Railway at tiidpoitrts'listed m:ft schWule?ttarkedr"Sahedute A` -attached hereto mud by.this reference, made s partbandf,
<br />and at such: otiicr paints a%ttg.it line oftsi&nad itffit may be Meaftec requested in advance of any construction or inststlation
<br />Vth6li0ensee grid sulaject to d*APprovnl of the Railway, upon thefollowing• terms aid oanditiona, to -wit:.
<br />check tnada,,payable to.Floridn
<br />tahasin said trppliances,,flxttues, faetlities ar
<br />in duplicate, togetherwith twenty ( - }rifts
<br />ling work,. Said application *il1 be malted to
<br />Coinpairy>TX). Di aver 144$, : t Avgtisiirie>
<br />t Railway arnpany to cove applicatblanon
<br />2 Plan shall;sliow ittforrrtat ontor-carrier pipe and casingpipe'Jf used, and angle of crossing; Railway survey
<br />ststion,.ordistanoe to neanesY:gule piXst r1}3iit of way lute§; tracks and;all 'other Railway facilities near paint of;tossing
<br />Pfo6loshatlshawpipe'orwtro -- inrclataoritgactvaiprtsfileofgrdwtd:andtracks;ifsubgradepipe, proposed methodof
<br />installd6iod; andtaca {ion of jssckir� pit,:wiuch sl ani riot be closer ihsui thu#y(3:0} Teat frarx the center ofnearesttrack
<br />t?pen-ovt•r;raihn;i't�P installatrosr thsougftRailway's taedtiod will no;fie: pernritteii
<br />3, it'! A4.a1utpaIly understood and: agtreed` by and between the parties hereto that said %ftmde dossing
<br />installation<shetl be _marked Iiy the erection of a sun able monument located on each side of the Railway's right cf wiry:.
<br />4. ThcRaiiwayshxU in writing; notify the Licensee whether it.hasany objections to the pmpvsed;crosswg work
<br />and -;if so, shall specittj`Ilte Sortie;: in which event;:no ccoss ng work:shall be commcnced b rile t icensee.heieundcr until -it
<br />nsx v�s the ivrittea aRprcaval the Railway. ;lf thol'Allwayfinds no tift)xt oris to said crossing work, it -will so notify the,
<br />Liani th�Lieensee shall be'.pea7uftcd'and;,sllowed to coruiiience the crossing work;pmposed,
<br />part. t'oimance 1500, 4-p2au: 04cJr . to thiszgrocaneni
<br />tl7-4`-BALM'
<br />aose-intended and be done in good and.
<br />s tisfactory to the Railway, Wlthht 34.
<br />that
<br />Fila --,217-4-0
<br />