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invitees of itailway), and for damage to or loss of or destmetion.of any;property:whatsoever, arising out A <br />u, os in. any way-sonnected witli. the presdnee, existence, operations or use of Piprline orviy stsuctirrc:in <br />n with, oc restoration ofpremises of Licensorto. good order:or condition. after removal, Except when proven. <br />ati d oIelyby the:fautt,faitute or riegltgenee of Railway. However, during any period of.acad eonskuction, <br />nst»oe, ieptaoraacnt orretiioval oI'thc Pipeline, whet ern agents or,parsotuiel od I:icelisea ars'un the saiitoad' <br />E,icettsee's tiabt7ity tierethtder sbajl:be elisnlute,'to lite eaiteut permitted by Iocat law, irrespocti4e of Bay sole <br />rieglig�ee ofltai'lway: Notwithstaiditig.anytlung to the. contrary contained is this agreeizietif, zto provtston <br />ltdor:shaIl be•;ooi>strt ri as;a waiver of sovereign immunity beyond the provisionsof Section 768-;-A Florida <br />8tatntes'. <br />15. Licensee covenants to pay Railway all. costs of supervision, labor and 1paterial incurred tsy Railway in <br />supervising, pzotocti`ng and reacting IhC pro_pe�ty`of ilic'Rai;rvny'iiy reason: of operations ofIicrnsee. <br />Ifs. Commencing wjUrthe uiitipl team ord6 Agreernent,,Licensee shall pay in advance unto Railwq for each.yeac <br />orfregticut thereoff •,ofthe.litoof said Crossings. or other facilities, the applicablesimss as listed on Schedula *katta ed <br />hereto and xuade.wWbereof,.together-with.such future increases that may be dictated by market conditions, <br />i.7=,ths: avant any cztHer appliances, fixtures cr facilities or crossings upon or acs the right ofivay of the <br />Railw"'5halt hatina€ia be&xmzi toeac sl as oFit . datchcreof,:although not shown on ScheduleattacheiI iieieto,onto hflve <br />beau addeddunrig t5e.lifa of flits sgi?rexnent, such' appliances, fixtiir r s or jaailities or°crossings upas oY aposs therigtitof <br />w.ay or the RaihRsy: shalt be part of thin agi�ctncrtt by amendment thereto, given siruilar data as Sot the crossings or'other <br />faai�itics•shasysfiauthe stfac'bed'Scltecieilo_and all the te:rus o€ihis ageetncnt shell alspiy t4 such additional wizieltttbfagiliges.: <br />18 Mos, aVv.= rrt and Licensees right'hereunder shall not be assigned normortgaged by said Uccnset:without, <br />priorvrittenvonsent;bf the hallway having been first. obtained, <br />14 >soewaives wATcHrquUes arry'tcgal-rights artd monetary claimswhicIi it.nvgiit hsvtsgai ist l7orida fast <br />Coast Railway Conapatiyfor,M-compensation, of damages of any -sort; indluding but not lirriited to special rfar we; <br />severazict-_ anlages, r ioval casts or Ings a€business: profits.resulting Emm its loss of occupancy; of the licensed property <br />specifial is $usment whethersuch propea'Ey is taken byemnent ciornaur proceedings or.soici:under Lha threaGt�iercof <br />wji rw,xk tia`Ratf+*$ pmpafywithous•hayusg a R.roadwatclurtan premt at an tunes work,,hereunder is being -performed, <br />Tom is.doened.tobaz>e or other'designated:Gompany offcisP fiat her, that Licensee <br />covenants that > t w%il. ineiaiie m' any contract which it leis for the whole or any part oFthe said,worklo be pea%rmed <br />Iierciauifs byor fist the Lidgisuc, eactt arid, every of the following scalls and conditions of the.t1�ro (2) pages attaehet]'. rereto <br />and r# ade apart IgP.of ettM0A "IN,.s'', MVICE OR BM4EFIT OF FLORIDA -EAST COASrkAfLWAY Ct)Ivf ?ANY <br />Td Bli'05T •AND INET tN FTJI FC}RCE.AND I EGTAT Cast OF +CONT i2ACTOR 0It LICEI45EE' on <br />"IN13E Y T4 FLO=A VAST 'COAST RAIL -W CaWA I' AND CtjI+7TR%C� [JAb LiABILTf Y <br />3'1.. <br />then <br />own expense;;temo?te said win or pipe <br />itics: Irr the everst of i>►gw� of toeiiszc <br />217;=O.AOM <br />