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Board of County Commissioners <br />Meeting Minutes - Final January 7, 2020 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner O'Bryan, seconded by Commissioner Zorc, <br />to approve the Resolution expressing support for restoring funding to Florida <br />Forever. <br />Discussion ensued as Commissioner Zorc sought clarification on historic <br />funding levels, and pointed out the amount of land in Florida that is publicly <br />owned. <br />Dr. Graham Cox, Pelican Island Audubon Society, appeared before the Board <br />with information on past funding levels. He clarified that the request was to <br />restore funding in the amount of $300 million annually. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan amended his motion to include wording that would <br />state the Board supported restoring the funding level to $300 million. <br />Commissioner Solari expressed his reasons for voting in opposition of the <br />Resolution. <br />An amended motion was made by Commissioner O'Bryan, seconded by <br />Commissioner Zorc, to approve Resolution 2020-004, expressing support for <br />restoring funding for Florida Forever to its historical levels, with the modification <br />to specify a funding allocation of $300 million annually. The motion carried by <br />the following vote: <br />Aye: 4 - Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Zorc, and <br />Commissioner O'Bryan <br />Nay: 1 - Commissioner Solari <br />B. Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher, Vice Chairman <br />C. Commissioner Tim Zorc <br />D. Commissioner Peter D. O'Bryan <br />E. Commissioner Bob Solari <br />14.E.1. 19-1194 Use of Glyphosate <br />Recommended Action: Discussion <br />Attachments: Commissioners Memo <br />Commissioner Solari requested discussion on the County's use of Glyphosate, <br />the active ingredient in Roundup, for weed eradication. He encouraged staff to <br />continue their progress in eliminating its use of this chemical, as well as <br />educating the public on the County's efforts. <br />Discussion among Board members and staff covered topics including effective <br />natural alternatives, appreciation for staffs efforts to reduce use of Glyphosate, <br />Indian River County Florida <br />Page 12 <br />