—description of your merchandise return and credit/refund policy;
<br />—a valid authorization code;
<br />—Merchant's Doing Business As ("D/B/A") name and location (city and state
<br />required) and merchant identification number. The merchant identification
<br />number is optional but if provided for Discover, include only the last four digits;
<br />and
<br />• if the card has a magnetic stripe and the POS device fails to read the magnetic
<br />stripe, if oryou are required to obtain a voice authorization, you must also use a
<br />manual imprinting machine to make a clear impression of the card on the same
<br />side of the signed sales draft. If you work in the face-to-face sales environment,
<br />you may include the card verification code in the authorization request for US
<br />domestic key -entered transactions in lieu of taking a manual card imprint, except
<br />for Discover.
<br />DON'TS
<br />• don't include the card expiration date or any more than the last four digits of the
<br />card number in the copy of the sales draft which you provide to the cardholder.
<br />• when imprinting sales drafts, you must not alter the cardholder account number,
<br />circle or underline any information on the sales draft or alter a sales draft in any
<br />way after the transaction has been completed and signed. Stray marks and other
<br />alterations on a sales draft may result in it becoming unreadable or illegible.
<br />If you are EMV enabled you may elect to participate in the No Signature Required
<br />programs.
<br />For the No Signature Required Programs, you are not required to:
<br />• provide a transaction receipt, unless requested by the cardholder; or
<br />• obtain the cardholder's signature provided that you transmit the full track data/full
<br />chip card data in the authorization request regardless of the sale amount.
<br />12. Refunds
<br />DO'S
<br />• do provide clear instructions to your customers regarding returns, including the
<br />following:
<br />—customer service telephone number;
<br />—reference number for the return;
<br />—expected processing time for the credit;
<br />—return address, preferably on a pre -formatted shipping label (if applicable).
<br />• do document your cancellation policy and terms and conditions on the contract the
<br />cardholder signs, or on your website, as applicable.
<br />• do create a credit draft containing the following information for every refund:
<br />—the account number;
<br />—the cardholder's name;
<br />—your name, city, state and merchant identification number. Merchant
<br />identification number is optional but if provided for Discover only include the last
<br />4 digits
<br />—transaction type;
<br />—a description of the goods or services;
<br />—the transaction date of the credit; the total amount of the credit; and
<br />—for Discover Network transactions, the approved currency used and the
<br />signature of your authorized representative or employee.
<br />—for PayPal transactions, the approved currency used and the signature of your
<br />authorized representative or employee.
<br />• do submit all credit drafts to us within the timeframes set out in section 19;
<br />• do submit each credit under the establishment where the credit originated;
<br />• do provide full refunds for the exact dollar amount of the original transaction
<br />including tax, handling charges, etc., and in no circumstances provide a refund
<br />amount for more than the original card sale amount;
<br />• do write clearly all amounts and other handwritten information - stray marks on the
<br />credit draft will render it illegible.
<br />• if the card cannot be swiped for any reason, do imprint the credit draft with the
<br />same card used by the cardholder to make the original purchase when applicable.
<br />• do ensure that the cardholder signs the credit draft, give the cardholder the
<br />appropriate copy, and deposit the credit draft immediately.
<br />• do include the last 4 digits of the merchant identification number for Discover
<br />transactions.
<br />DON'TS
<br />• don't circle or underline any information on the credit draft.
<br />• don't credit an account that differs from the account used for the original
<br />transaction.
<br />• don't include the card expiration date or any more than the last four digits of the
<br />card number in the copy of the credit draft which you provide to the cardholder.
<br />• don't give cash, check credit refunds or otheGirr�r, rT�S5�FICAo o ar sa s, h e
<br />exception of the following type of Visa trans* ibrrs ��!
<br />—Visa Easy Payment Service Transaction or if EMV enabled and participating in
<br />Visa's 'No Signature Required' program);
<br />—the recipient of the gift is not the cardholder; or
<br />—Visa prepaid card transaction if the cardholder states that the Visa prepaid card
<br />has been discarded.
<br />• don't intentionally submit a sale and an offsetting credit at a later date solely for
<br />the purpose of debiting and crediting your own or a customer's account;
<br />• don't process a credit transaction after a chargeback has been received.
<br />Authorization is not required for credits.
<br />Your website must communicate your refund policy to your customers and require
<br />your customers to select a "click -to -accept" or other affirmative button to
<br />acknowledge the policy. The terms and conditions of the purchase must be
<br />displayed on the same screen view as the checkout screen that presents the total
<br />purchase amount, or within the sequence of website pages the cardholder accesses
<br />during the checkout process.
<br />For American Express transactions, please also refer to Appendix 2.
<br />For an even exchange, no additional paperwork is necessary and you may simply
<br />follow your standard company policy.
<br />For an uneven exchange, you must complete a credit draft, and follow the
<br />procedures outlined in section 11 for the total amount of the goods returned. The
<br />cardholder's account will be credited for that amount. Then, complete a new sales
<br />draft for the total amount of any new goods purchased.
<br />14. CfaraPb?c1r._q_.. CIVrair
<br />Chargebacks
<br />Both the cardholder and the card issuing bank have the right to question or dispute
<br />a transaction. If such questions or disputes are not resolved, a chargeback may
<br />occur. You are responsible for all chargebacks, our chargeback fees and related
<br />costs arising from your transactions. As a result, we will debit your settlement
<br />account or settlement funds for the amount of each chargeback.
<br />Due to the short time frames and the supporting documentation necessary to
<br />successfully (and permanently) reverse a chargeback in your favor, we strongly
<br />recommend that:
<br />• you adhere to the guidelines and procedures outlined in this guide;
<br />• if you do receive a chargeback, investigate, and if you dispute the chargeback,
<br />submit the appropriate documentation within the required time frame;
<br />• whenever possible, contact the cardholder directly to resolve the dispute (except
<br />with respect to a Discover Network cardholder with whom direct contact regarding
<br />the dispute is prohibited by Discover Network Card Organization Rules); and
<br />• if you have any questions, call Customer Service.
<br />You must not process a credit transaction once a chargeback is received, even with
<br />cardholder authorization, as the credits may not be recoverable and you may be
<br />financially responsible for the credit as well as the chargeback. Instead, the card
<br />issuing bank will credit the cardholder's account.
<br />Chargeback process
<br />If the card issuing bank submits a chargeback, we will send you a chargeback
<br />notification, which may also include a request for transaction documentation. Due to
<br />the short time requirements imposed by the payments organizations, it is important
<br />that you respond to a chargeback notification and transaction documentation
<br />request within the time frame set out in the notification.
<br />Upon receipt of a transaction documentation request, you must immediately retrieve
<br />the requested sales draft(s) using the following guidelines:=
<br />• make a legible copy, centered on 8-1/2 x 11 -inch paper (only 1 sales draft per
<br />page),
<br />• write the 'case number' from the request for transaction documentation on each
<br />copy/page;
<br />• if applicable, make copies of a hotel folio, car rental agreement, mail/phone
<br />/Internet order form, or other form of receipt; - —
<br />• if a credit transaction has been processed, make a copy of the credit draft;
<br />• letters are not acceptable substitutes for sales drafts;
<br />• fax or mail legible copies of the sales draft(s) and credit drafts, if applicable, to the
<br />fax number or mail address provided on the request form;
<br />• if you fax your response, please (i) set your fax machine to print your fax number
<br />and name on the documents that you send, and (ii) set the scan resolution on your
<br />fax machine to the highest setting. We can use this information to help determine
<br />where the documentation received originated from if additional research is
<br />required, and the higher resolution setting improves the clarity of characters and
<br />graphics on the documentation transmitted and helps reduce the number of
<br />illegible fulfillments and chargebacks.
<br />We strongly recommend that you also include a detailed rebuttal letter along with all
<br />pertinent documents when responding to a transaction request or a chargeback
<br />notification (for example, rental agreement, imprinted portion of the invoice or sales
<br />draft;
<br />CardCo2305 12
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