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EXHIBIT #1 <br />Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System Upgrades <br />at Hobart Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant <br />PROJECT UNDERSTANDING <br />In 2015, an evaluation of the PLC hardware and supervisory computer and data <br />acquisition (SCADA) system was conducted which outlined numerous upgrades <br />and improvements. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the existing <br />outdated SCADA system and provide recommendations for upgrades and an <br />approach with actions for IRCU to implement. The recommended work was <br />provided in a prioritized and phased approach to allow improvements to be <br />conducted in a logical order with minimal impact to the water treatment <br />operations. Some of the recommended upgrades have been made since the <br />evaluation, but there are numerous improvements still needed to address the <br />antiquated communications hardware at the WTP. <br />The following scope outlines the work necessary to update the previous <br />remediation and assessment report for the Hobart (North) water treatment plant <br />SCADA systems based off the work completed to date, provide design phase <br />services for incorporating the proposed upgrades, and integration labor required <br />to program each of the respective upgrades to the remote I/O panels and various <br />other components. <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />Consultant will utilize the services and provide coordination of Control Systems <br />Design, Inc., and C&W Engineering in the execution of these tasks. <br />TASK 1- TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM <br />Consultant will prepare a brief technical memorandum that summarizes the <br />improvements completed to date and the necessary improvements to be <br />completed -for the PLC and SCADA system at Hobart. The report will present <br />conceptual cost estimates for specific improvements. <br />Consultant will develop phasing plan for implementing specific improvements. <br />Where feasible, Consultant will prioritize improvements to allow for work to be <br />performed under multiple construction contracts. This plan will provide the <br />updated version of work to be performed based off the improvements completed <br />to date and recommended in the previous remediation study. <br />C:\Users\halexander\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\BYBQCZ4M\20200422 - DRAFT Scope - <br />Hobart PLC April 22 2020 (002).docx Page I of 5 <br />