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Board of County Commissioners <br />Meeting Minutes - Final March 10, 2020 <br />amount of $8,200.00, and authorize the Chairman to execute the amendment after <br />review and approval by the County Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency. <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />MBV Amendment #2 to MBV WO #5 <br />Approved staffs recommendation <br />8.M. 20-1382 Groundwater Modeling and Impact Evaluations with CDM Smith, Amendment No. <br />1 to Work Order No. 5 <br />Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval of Amendment No. 1 to Work Order No. 5 and requests <br />that the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Chairman to execute the <br />Amendment on their behalf to engage the services of CDM Smith for a sum amount <br />of $23,290 <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Amendment No 1 to Work Order No 5 with CDM <br />Commissioner O'Bryan stated that Mr. Robert Adair had approached him because <br />Mr. Adair felt additional studies were necessary prior to moving forward with <br />increasing well capacity. <br />Robert Adair, Jr., 7060 33rd Street, used a PowerPoint presentation to provide the <br />Floridian Aquifer Well and the North County and South County Wells locations. <br />He suggested that a detailed hydrology study be performed to show the actual water <br />usage and the condition of the wells. He felt the County should commit to an <br />alternative water supply at this time. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan commented that Mr. Adair made some good points for the <br />long-term, but he was supportive of staffs recommendation as they addressed the <br />requirement from St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) for the <br />Consumptive Use Permit 10524 modification. <br />In response to Mr. Adair's comments, Director of Utility Services Vincent Burke <br />provided clarification that the additional model simulations were in response to the <br />SJRWMD-required "11th hour" request. Director Burke also addressed <br />misinformation that had been brought to his attention, and stated that he was open <br />to meeting with anyone who had additional questions. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner O'Bryan, seconded by Vice Chairman Flescher, <br />to approve staffs recommendation. The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Zorc, Commissioner <br />O'Bryan, and Commissioner Solari <br />Indian River County Florida Page 6 <br />