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Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council
Indian Rive County Grant Contract Subrecipient Award
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If any new projects funded under this Agreement are for project -based rental assistance for a <br />term of fifteen (15) years, the funding provided under this Agreement is for the performance period <br />stated herein only. Additional funding is subject to the availability of annual appropriations. <br />The performance period of renewal projects funded by this Agreement will begin <br />immediately at the end of the performance period under the grant agreement being renewed. Eligible <br />costs incurred between the end of Recipient's final operating year under the grant agreement being <br />renewed and the date of this Agreement is executed by both parties may be reimbursed with funds <br />from the first operating year of this Agreement. No funds for renewal projects may be drawn down <br />by Recipient before the end date of the project's final operating year under the grant that has been <br />renewed. <br />For any transition project funded under this Agreement the performance period of the <br />transition project(s) will begin immediately at the end of the Recipient's final operating year under <br />the grant being transitioned. Eligible costs, as defined by the Act and the Rule incurred between the <br />end of Recipient's final operating year under the grant being renewed and the execution of this <br />Agreement may be paid with funds from the first operating year of this Agreement. <br />HUD designations of Continuums of Care as High -performing Communities (HPCS) are <br />published in the HUD Exchange in the appropriate Fiscal Years' CoC Program Competition Funding <br />Availability page. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Application or this Agreement, <br />Recipient may only use grant funds for HPC Homelessness Prevention Activities if the Continuum <br />that designated the Recipient to apply for the grant was designated an HPC for the applicable fiscal <br />year. <br />The Recipient must complete the attached "Indirect Cost Rate Schedule" and return it to <br />HUD with this Agreement. The Recipient must provide HUD with a revised schedule when any <br />change is made to the rate(s) included in the schedule. The schedule and any revisions HUD <br />receives from the Recipient will be incorporated into and made part of this Agreement, provided that <br />each rate included satisfies the applicable requirements under 2 CFR part 200 (including appendices). <br />This Agreement shall remain in effect until the earlier of 1) written agreement by the <br />parties; 2) by HUD alone, acting under the authority of 24 CFR 578.107; 3) upon expiration of the <br />performance periods for all projects funded under this Agreement; or 4) upon the expiration of the <br />period of availability of funds for all projects funded under this Agreement. <br />HUD notifications to the Recipient shall be to the address of the Recipient as stated in the <br />Application, unless the Recipient changes the address and key contacts in e -snaps. Recipient <br />notifications to HUD shall be to the HUD Field Office executing the Agreement. No right, benefit, <br />or advantage of the Recipient hereunder may be assigned without prior written approval of HUD. <br /> Page 3 <br />
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