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ORDER NO. PSC -2020 -0154 -PCO -EI <br />DOCKET NO. 20200001 -EI <br />PAGE 6 <br />through December, the bill will be $97.69. The June through December portion (i.e., amount not <br />included in the monthly credits) of the fuel mid -course correction reflects a reduction of $4.17 <br />per 1,000 kWh. Non-residential classes, commercial, and industrial customers can expect a <br />reduction of 14 to 20 percent, depending on usage. Tampa Electric stated that it will provide <br />customers notice of the changes with its June bills and on its website. The Company also filed <br />the tariff (First Revised 6.023) for after the credit concludes post -August 2020. Commission staff <br />has requested administrative authority to approve this First Revised Tariff Sheet No. 6.023, <br />effective September 2020 should we approve Tampa Electric's proposed modification. Further, <br />Tampa Electric has represented that it has consulted with the Office of Public Counsel (OPC) <br />about its primary proposal (factors shown on Attachment A) and that OPC is in support of the <br />proposal. <br />For the reasons stated above, we hereby grant Tampa Electric's petition to reduce its <br />currently -approved 2020 fuel and capacity cost recovery factors for purposes of flowing back to <br />customers a projected over -recovery of fuel and capacity charges during the period of June <br />through December 2020, and issuing fuel -related bill credits in the months of June, July, and <br />August 2020. Further, we approve the tariffs as shown on Attachment A effective June 1, 2020. <br />Finally, we hereby give Commission staff administrative authority to approve the First Revised <br />Tariff Sheet No. 6.023, effective September 2020. <br />Florida Power & Light Company <br />FPL participated in the Commission's most -recent fuel hearing which took place on <br />November 5, 2019..The Fuel Order issued from the 2019 hearing set forth FPL's fuel, purchased <br />power, and capacity -related cost recovery factors effective with the first billing cycle of January <br />2020.14 <br />Mid -Course Correction <br />FPL has proposed to address a projected 2020 fuel over -recovery of $206,083,515 by <br />reducing its fuel factors in the month of May 2020. The projected 2020 over -recovery of fuel <br />charges is specifically associated with a decline in projected fuel costs. FPL's fuel mid -course <br />correction position following the calculation methodology in Rule 25-6.0424(1)(a), F.A.C., is 6.3 <br />percent, which is under the 10 percent threshold prompting a noticing requirement pursuant to <br />the same rule. FPL's original projection of natural gas costs for 2020 was formulated near the <br />end of July 2019. At that time, FPL projected the average delivered cost of natural gas to be <br />$4.06 per MMBtu. FPL now projects, based on March 2020 data, the average 2020 cost of <br />natural gas will be $3.53 per MMBtu (reduction of 13 percent). <br />FPL's re -projection of 2020 fuel costs returns an estimated over -recovery of $206.1 <br />million. Typically, at this point in a fuel clause cycle a utility would incorporate any over- or <br />under -recovery from the prior period (prior calendar year) into its mid -course correction request. <br />However, FPL has proposed to address its final prior period true up amount, which is a net <br />14Order No. PSC-2019-0484-FOF-EI. <br />