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ORDER NO. PSC -2020 -0154 -PCO -EI <br />DOCKET NO. 20200001-E1 <br />PAGE 8 <br />effective with the June 2020 billing cycle, the residential charge for 1,000 kWh will return to <br />$96.43. Concerning non-residential customers, typical bill reductions will range from <br />approximately 24 to 30 percent for commercial customers, and approximately 53 percent for <br />industrial customers.18 <br />FPL's proposed tariff is contained in Attachment B, attached. FPL has provided notice of <br />its request fora mid -course correction with its April customer bills, subject to our approval. <br />For the reasons stated above, we hereby approve FPL's petition to reduce, for one month, <br />its currently -approved 2020 fuel cost recovery factors for purposes of flowing back to customers <br />a projected over -recovery of fuel charges during the month of May 2020. The tariffs shown on <br />Attachment B are hereby approved effective May 1, 2020. Finally, Commission staff is hereby <br />given administrative authority to approve tariffs effective June 1, 2020, reflecting the fuel factors <br />approved in Order No. PSC-2019-0484-FOF-EI. <br />Gulf Power Company <br />Gulf participated in our most -recent fuel hearing which took place on November 5, 2019. <br />The Fuel Order issued from the 2019.hearing set forth Gulf's fuel, purchased power, and <br />capacity -related cost recovery factors effective with the first billing cycle of 2020.19 <br />Mid -Course Correction <br />With respect to the components of the mid -course correction calculation, which returns <br />the total dollar amount used to calculate the proposed reduction, Gulf combined its final 2019 <br />over -recovery of $8,868,596 with its estimated 2020 over -recovery of $42,404,427, resulting in a <br />total estimated 2020 over -recovery of $51,273,023, or the total mid -course correction amount <br />proposed to be flowed to customers. Gulf's fuel mid -course correction position following the <br />calculation methodology in Rule 25-6.0424, F.A.C., is 14.7 percent. <br />The projected 2020 over -recovery of fuel charges is specifically associated with a decline <br />in projected fuel costs. Gulf's original projection of 2020 natural gas costs was formulated near <br />the end of July 2019. At that time, Gulf projected the average cost of natural gas to be $3.39 per <br />MMBtu. Gulf now projects, based on March 2020 data, the average 2020 cost of natural gas will <br />be $2.57 per MMBtu (reduction of 24.2 percent). <br />Gulf has proposed to flow its projected 2020 over -recovery of $51.3 million to customers <br />through a bill credit in the month of May 2020. As part of the mid -course correction fling, Gulf <br />updated its projections for purchased power and economy purchases due to the updated fuel <br />pricing and input assumptions. Regarding capacity cost recovery, Gulf did not propose any <br />changes to its currently -approved factors. <br />'Document No. 01868-2020. <br />19Order No. PSC-201.9-0484-FOF-EI. <br />