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ORDINANCE NO. 2020-009 <br />Section 5. Severability. <br />If any part of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of <br />competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such <br />holding and shall remain in full force and effect. <br />Section 6. Conflict. <br />All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. <br />Section 7. Effective Date. As provided in Section 125.66(3), Florida Statutes, this <br />Ordinance shall be deemed to be filed and shall take effect when a copy of this Ordinance <br />has been accepted and confirmed by the Department of State by email. This Ordinance <br />shall sunset on September 15, 2020. <br />This ordinance was advertised in the Indian River Press Journal on the 9th day of July, <br />2020, for a public hearing to be held on the 14th day of July, 2020. The waiver of the <br />notice requirements for the consideration of the Ordinance was by a 5-0 vote of the Board <br />of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, by which the Board declared <br />that an emergency exists and that the immediate enactment of said Ordinance is <br />necessary. The Ordinance was moved for adoption by Commissioner O'Bryan, seconded <br />by Commissioner Solari, and adopted by the following vote: <br />Chairman Susan Adams <br />Aye <br />Vice -Chairman Joseph E. Flescher <br />Aye <br />Commissioner Tim Zorc <br />Aye <br />Commissioner Peter D. O'Bryan <br />Aye <br />Commissioner Bob Solari <br />Aye <br />The Chairman thereupon declared the ordinance duly passed and adopted this 14th day <br />of July, 2020. <br />APPROVED AS T O FORD:/! <br />AND LEGAL SUFIFICiENCY <br />BY�_ y 1 tom, <br />At�.S 2`1.1E11�Gis0t-0 <br />ONTY Xi-TO;ti` <br />ATTEST: Jeffrey R. Smith, Clerk <br />and Comptroller <br />gy.'a#da 'i <br />Deputy Clerk <br />BOARD OF <br />COMMISSIONERS OF <br />COUNTY, FLORIDA/ <br />Sus`�i Adams, Chairman <br />This Ordinance was filed by email with the Department of State on the day of July, <br />2020. <br />