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DEP v. IRCUD Central Gifford WWTF <br />OGC No. 20-0891 <br />Page 11 of 14 <br />Exhibit B <br />In -Kind Projects <br />Introduction <br />Proposal <br />a. Within 60 days of the effective date of this Consent Order, Respondent shall <br />submit, by certified mail, a detailed in-kind project proposal to the Department for <br />evaluation. The proposal shall include a summary of benefits, proposed schedule <br />for implementation and documentation of the estimated costs which are expected <br />to be incurred to complete the project. These costs shal I not include those <br />incurred in developing the proposal or obtaining approval from the Department <br />for the in-kind project. <br />Proposal Certification Form <br />b. The proposal shall also include a Certification by notarized affidavit from a senior <br />management official for (insert name of Respondent) who shall <br />testify as follows: <br />My name is (print or type name of senior management official) <br />and do hereby testify under penalty of law that: <br />A. I am a person with management responsibilities for (print or type <br />name of Respondent) budget and finances. During the eighteenth month period prior to <br />the effective date of Consent Order OGC Case No.: there has not been any <br />transfer or use of funds obtained by the (print or type name of Respondent) <br />from the collection of sewer rates for any purpose not related to the management, <br />operation, or maintenance of the Sewer System or to any capital improvement needs of <br />the Sewer System. <br />B. l am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, <br />including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowingly submitting false <br />information in this certification. <br />Sworn to and subscribed before me, by means of ❑ physical presence oi• ❑ online <br />notarization, this day of , 20 by <br />