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DEP v. IRCUD Central Gifford WWTF <br />OGC No. 20-0891 <br />Page 2 of 14 <br />If Respondent elects to iinplement a P2 Project, Respondent shall submit a completed P2 Project <br />Plan (Plan) within 30 days of the effective date of this Order. The Plan must be completed using <br />Exhibit A, P2 Project Template. In the event the Department requires additional information to <br />process the Plan, Respondent shat l provide a modified Plan containing the information requested <br />by the Department within 15 days of the date of the request. <br />If any balance remains after the entire P2 credit is applied to the allowable portion of the civil <br />penalty, Respondent shal l pay the difference within 30 days of written notification by the <br />Department to Respondent that the balance is due. <br />Also, in lieu of making cash payment of $6,000 in civil penalties or electing to implement a P2 <br />Project as set forth above, Respondent may elect to off -set this amount by implementing an In - <br />Kind Penalty project, which must be approved by the Department. An in-kind project must be <br />either an environmental enhancement, environmental restoration or a capital/facility <br />improvement project and may not be a corrective action requirement of the Order or otherwise <br />required by law. The Department may also consider the donation of environmentally sensitive <br />land as an in-kind project. The value of the in-kind penalty project shall be one and a half tirnes <br />the civi I penalty off -set amount, which in this case is the equivalent of at least $9,000.00. If <br />Respondent chooses to implement an in-kind project as provided in this paragraph, Respondent <br />shall notify the Department of its election by email within 15 days of the effective date of this <br />Consent Order. Notwithstanding the election to implement an in-kind project, payment of the <br />remaining $500 in costs must be paid within 30 days of the effective date of the Consent Order. <br />If Respondent elects to implement an in-kind project as set forth above, then Respondent <br />shall comply with all the requirements and time frames in Exhibit B, In -Kind Projects. <br />Respondent's Acceptance <br />If you wish to accept this offer and fully resolve the enforcement matter pending against the <br />Respondent, within 30 calendar days of the mailing date of this Order, please sign this letter and <br />return it to the Department at SED. Wastewater�FloridaDEP.agoy or at 3301 Gun Club Rd. MSC <br />7210-1, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406. The Department will then countersign it and file it <br />with a designated clerk of the Department. Once the document is filed with the designated clerk, <br />it will constitute a final order of the Department pursuant to Section 120.52(7), F.S. and will be <br />effective unless a request for an administrative hearing is filed by a third party in accordance <br />with Chapter 120, F.S. and the attached Notice of Rights. <br />By accepting this offer you, Mr. Vincent Burke: <br />(1) certify that you are authorized and empowered to negotiate, enter into, and accept the <br />terms of this offer in the name and on behalf of the Respondent; <br />(2) acknowledge and waive the Respondent's right to an administrative hearing pursuant to <br />Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., on the terms of this offer, once final; <br />