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DEP v. IRCUD Central Gifford WWTF <br />OGC No. 20-0891 <br />Page 4 of 14 <br />Until clerked by the Department, this letter is only a settlement offer and not a final agency <br />action. Consequently, neither the Respondent nor any other party may request an administrative <br />hearing to contest this letter pursuant to Chapter 120, F.S. Once this letter is clerked and <br />becomes a final order of the Department, as explained above, the attached Notice of Rights will <br />apply to parties, other than the Respondent, whose interests will be substantially affected. <br />Electronic signatures or other versions of the parties' signatures, such as .pdf or facsimile, shall <br />be valid and have the same force and effect as originals. No modifications of the terms of this <br />Order will be effective until reduced to writing, executed by both Respondent and the <br />Department, and filed with the clerk of the Department. <br />Please be aware that if the Respondent declines to respond to the Department's offer, the <br />Department will assume that the Respondent is not interested in resolving the matter and will <br />proceed accordingly. <br />If you have any questions, please contact Zara Mansoor at (561) 681-6659 or at <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br />Jason Andreotta <br />Director, Southeast District <br />FOR THE RESPONDENT: <br />I, cxL� [Type or Print Name], HEREBY ACCEPT <br />THE TERMS OF THE YETTLEMINT OFFER IDENTIFIED ABOVE. <br />By: <br />[Signature] <br />Title: ou'l is tC <br />[Type or Print] <br />Date: K, 15/• 96210 <br />BY <br />COUINTY Y <br />