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BOOK 94 mu 931 <br />chose not to go through them ... because I felt that they were <br />going to try to sabotage me in some way. So, I felt that by going <br />through another access in the County building, would just be <br />affording that opportunity to them, so I chose not to go that way." <br />Attorney Stone asked Lisa what led her to feel/believe that <br />she might be sabotaged, and Lisa claimed it was because they were <br />constantly worried about the computer, watched over her for 20 - <br />minute periods of time, constantly asked what she was doing, and <br />were worried about the file server room. She felt she had to <br />protect herself, because of the unwarranted actions on their part. <br />Attorney Stone asked Lisa if she had been asked prior to that <br />time to look for another job and she replied in the affirmative. <br />She believed it was on September 21st that Mr. King said that he <br />"wanted her to take quick action in securing another job. He told <br />me that nobody wanted to work with me and that nobody wanted me <br />there." Attorney Stone surmised it was after that others began <br />watching her and various things happened. <br />Attorney Stone continued and asked Lisa about her letter to <br />Mr. Wright alleging harassment. She believed that the request by <br />Mr. King to take quick action to secure another job and the <br />micromanaging actions of others constituted harassment. <br />The next incident Attorney Stone covered with Lisa was <br />concerning the bookshelf. Lisa testified that her initial <br />understanding of the task was to write down all the books on the <br />shelves so that she could put them into a catalog of some sort, <br />which she assumed to be on the computer, and put them in <br />alphabetical order. Mr. King had given her the written <br />instructions on his way out the door and his only statement to her <br />was that "if she did not f inish it, he would f ire her. " She did the <br />best she could, but when he later told her how he wanted it <br />arranged, she proceeded to do it on the computer before actually <br />doing it on the shelves. once she finished the computer copy, she <br />physically removed the books, put them into categories in - <br />alphabetical order, removed the duplicates and boxed them for <br />storage. <br />Next, Attorney Stone reviewed with Lisa her understanding of <br />the policy on shredding EMS reports and the key that was looked for <br />in her desk the day the EMS reports were located in her desk <br />drawer. Lisa responded that the EMS reports are confidential in <br />nature and were to be protected from those who do not work in the <br />department. She was not aware of a key. She had not shredded the <br />reports in her desk drawer because two weeks prior, Mrs. Snoberger <br />had thrust them at her when she was in the middle of working on the <br />20 <br />April 24, 1995 <br />