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BOOK 4 917 <br />personally rendered the document useless by your unacceptable job <br />performance. It took many hours for other staff to go through this <br />192 -page plan and make corrections to your errors. <br />There was also testimony from you during questions from myself that <br />you were totally unaware that secretaries and or administrative <br />staff in the office were permitted to take classes at Indian River <br />Community College to improve their skills at the County's expense. <br />You denied any knowledge of this and stated that you had never been <br />told about that. Again, your credibility was called into question <br />because I personally recalled having approved payment for you to <br />take a course at the college. After the hearing, I located the <br />registration documents (Exhibit D1 - (8 pages) and the check issued <br />by the county to pay for you to take a computer-related class in <br />the Spring semester in 1991. So, what you demonstrated again was <br />untruthfulness as well as the fact that you have had many <br />opportunities to improve your administrative skills and you simply <br />have not taken advantage of them. <br />The issue raised at the hearing about you demanding 20 minutes of <br />compensatory time from your supervisor for having read part of a <br />book on desktop publishing at your home was an example of your <br />unacceptable elementary and childish behavior. You had not been <br />directed to study the book, it had been on your desk for some time, <br />and you stated to me that you did it because "you wanted to prove <br />a point to your supervisor." Indian River County policy contained <br />in Section AM -301.3 (Exhibit J) alludes to the fact that <br />compensatory time must be approved prior to being taken or accrued. <br />Your supervisor stated at the hearing that he did not prior approve <br />any compensatory time; however, he gave you the 20 minutes time off <br />in an effort to satisfy you. At the hearing, you admitted that you <br />had received time off to accomplish personal tasks, doctors' <br />visits, trips to the veterinarian for your dog, and time off around <br />holidays without the time being charged to your vacation or sick <br />balance. It appears you want the free time off if its beneficial <br />to you; however, you demanded 20 minutes of unauthorized <br />compensatory time for allegedly having read a book at home for 20 <br />minutes. Somehow, fairness does not seem to be balanced in this <br />situation and it is another example of your unacceptable behavior. <br />CONCLUSION: <br />You were noticed and your supervisor, Emergency Management <br />Coordinator John King, cited six separate incidents during the <br />hearing as the basis for recommending disciplinary action, all of <br />which relates to unsatisfactory job performance, unacceptable <br />behavior, and a poor attitude in general. <br />During the hearing, it was demonstrated through exhibits that you <br />were employed with Indian River County in the Division of Emergency <br />Management on September 26, 1990, in a position classified as <br />Secretary I. Your four annual performance appraisals (Exhibits B, <br />C, E, and F) were generally good; however, recommendations for <br />improvement were suggested in several areas such as neatness, <br />thoroughness, handwritten information, completing routine tasks <br />without prompting, relaying correct information, and attention to <br />detail. It was also noted that you received favorable comments <br />regarding your knowledge of emergency management duties and <br />willingness to help complete various tasks in some of the <br />appraisals. <br />Although not determined during the hearing, something seems to <br />have happened, known only to you, in the time period prior to <br />September 20, 1994, which resulted in a significant decline and <br />change in your work performance, behavior, and attitude to the <br />extent that the following actions had to be taken by your <br />supervisor: - <br />6 <br />April 24, 1995 <br />
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