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roRM 723•/2 <br />i •w <br />PAGE a or a <br />2. The COUNTY further agrees that said adjustments. changes or relocation of facilities will <br />be made by the COUNTY with sufficient promptness so as to cause no dela%y to the DEPARVENT <br />or its contractor in the prosecution of such construction or reconstruction work; provided, <br />however, that the COUNTY shall not be responsible for delay beyond its control. and that Stich <br />"Relocation Rork" will be done under the direction of the DEPARTMENT'S engineer; and the <br />COUNTY further agrees that in the event the changes, adjustments or relocation of such facilities <br />or utilities are done simultaneously with the construction project, that it will be directly <br />responsible for handling of any legal claims that the contractor may initiate due to to delays <br />caused by the COUNTY'S negligence; and that the COUNTY will not either proceed with the <br />"Relocation Work" with its own forces or advertise or let a contract for such work until it has <br />received the DEPARTMENT'S written authority to proceed. <br />3. The COUNTY further agrees that it will maintain and keep in repair, or cause to be <br />mainjained and kept in repair, all of such adjusted, changed or relocated COUNTY owned or <br />operated facilities or utilities within the right of way of said portion of the State Highway System: <br />and to comply with all provisions, of the law, including. Rule 014.46.01. <br />3. The DEPARTMENT agrees to furnish the COUNTY with all necessary highway construc- <br />tion plans that are required by the COUNTY to facilitate the COUNTY'S "Relocation Rork". <br />5. The DEPARTMENT further agrees that the COUNTY may relocate its facilities upon the <br />State's right of way, according to the terms of the standard permit required by the State Statutes <br />for occupancy of public rights of way, and all published regulations lawfully adopted by the <br />DEPARTMENT as of the date of this Agreement. <br />6. Itis mutuall%y agreed that the COUNTY'S plans, maps or sketches showing any such facility <br />or utility to be adjusted, changed or relocated on any individual "Relocation Work" project are, <br />when approved by the DEPARTMENT, made a part hereof by reference. <br />7. The COUNTY further agrees to indemnify, defend, and save harmless and exonerate the <br />DEPARTMENT of and from all liability, claims, and demands for contractual liability rising out <br />of the work undertaken by the COUNTY, its employees, agents, representatives, or its <br />subcontractors due in whole. or in part, to conditions, actions, or omissions done or committed by <br />the COUNTY: or its subcontractors, its employees, agents, representatives, or its subcontractors. <br />