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ORDINANCE NO. 2020. 011 <br />the —r,e)d Tuesday holiday --unless the —Meeti„9—;s ;o !ledoth <br />reSGheduled by the GemmissiGR. <br />2. Place. All meetings of the commission shall be held in the Commission Chambers, <br />County Administration Building A, 1801 27th Street, Vero Beach, Florida, unless <br />otherwise decided by the commission. <br />3. Quorum. A majority of the commission shall constitute a quorum. <br />4. Agenda. All matters to be placed on the agenda for a regular meeting shall be <br />del+vered uploaded to the County's document management system, allowing for <br />approval chain to reach to the county administrator on or before noon of the <br />Wednesday before the commission meeting at which the matter is to be heard. <br />The county administrator shall then compile an agenda kit arranged according to <br />the order of business and furnish each member of the commission, and the county <br />attorney with a kit on or before Friday noon preceding the commission meeting. An <br />agenda kit shall be kept for inspection by the public. Electronically, the agenda <br />shall be emailed to the public and posted on Once the agenda <br />kits have been distributed no additional matters shall be presented to the county <br />commission except with the unanimous approval of the commission. <br />5. Special meetings. Special meetings may be held at the call of the chairman, or, in <br />his absence, at the call of the vice chairman, or at the request of a majority of the <br />commissioners; and, whenever practicable, shall provide for not less than twelve <br />(12) hours' notice to each member and the public. <br />Section 102.04. - Order of business. <br />The order of business shall appear on the agenda as follows: <br />1. Call to order. <br />2. <br />a. Moment of Silent Reflection For First Responders and Members of the Armed <br />Forces <br />b. Invocation. <br />3. Pledge of Allegiance. <br />4. Additions or deletions to the agenda/emergency items. <br />5. Proclamations and presentations. <br />6. Approval of minutes. <br />7. Information items from staff or commissioners not requiring board action. <br />8. Consent agenda. <br />