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at a formal meeting of such Board or by the County Administrator pursuant to his delegated <br />authority. <br />2.2 During construction of the improvements to 58th Avenue/37th Street the County will <br />perform the following: <br />(a) Drainage. The County will reestablish the swale drainage system to ensure that the <br />offsite drainage, drainage from the property and the backside of the roadway will <br />drain south and not affect the property owner. <br />(b) Sprinkler System. As part of the Purchase Agreement the County will move the <br />sprinklers to the new right-of-way line in the location requested by the property <br />owner. <br />(c) Sod. As part of the Purchase Agreement the County will replace the current sod <br />with Saint Augustine sod based on the property owner's request. <br />(d) Culvert. The culvert will be replaced and a new driveway apron will be installed <br />from the edge of the pavement orsidewalk to the new right-of-way line. <br />3. Title. Seller shall convey marketable title to the Property by warranty deed free of <br />claims, liens, easements and encumbrances of record or known to Seller; but subject to <br />property taxes for the year of Closing and covenants, restrictions and public utility <br />easements of record provided (a) there exists at Closing no violation of any of the <br />foregoing; and (b) none of the foregoing prevents County's intended use and development <br />of the Property ("Permitted Exceptions"). <br />3.1 County may order an Ownership and Encumbrance Report or Title Insurance <br />Commitment with respect to the Property. County shall within thirty (30) days following the <br />Effective Date of this Agreement deliver written notice to Seller of title defects. Title shall <br />be deemed acceptable to County if (a) County fails to deliver notice of defects within the <br />time specified, or (b) County delivers notice and Seller cures the defects within thirty (30) <br />days from receipt of notice from County of title defects ("Curative Period"). Seller shall use <br />best efforts to cure the defects within the Curative Period and if the title defects are not <br />cured within the Curative Period, County shall have thirty (30) days from the end of the <br />Curative Period to elect, by written notice to Seller, to: (i) to terminate this Agreement, <br />whereupon this agreement shall be of no further force and effect, or (ii) extend the Curative <br />Period for up to an additional 90 days; or (iii) accept title subject to existing defects and <br />proceed to closing. <br />4. Representations of the Seller. <br />4.1 Seller is indefeasibly seized of marketable, fee simple title to the Property, and is the <br />sole owner of and has good right, title, and authority to convey and transfer the Property <br />which is the subject matter of this Agreement, free and clear of all liens and <br />encumbrances. <br />4.2 From and after the Effective Date of this Agreement, Seller shall take no action <br />which would impair or otherwise affect title to any portion of the Property, and shall record <br />1) <br />