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The purpose of the plan is to: <br />Reduce the vulnerability of people and communities of this county to <br />damage, injury, and loss of life and property resulting from natural, <br />technological or manmade emergencies, catastrophes, or hostile <br />military or paramilitary action. <br />2. Prepare for prompt and efficient response and recovery to protect <br />lives and property affected by emergencies. <br />3. Respond to emergencies using all systems, plans and resources <br />necessary to preserve the health, safety and welfare of persons <br />affected by the emergency. <br />4. Recover from emergencies by providing for the rapid and orderly start <br />of restoration and rehabilitation of persons and property affected by <br />emergencies. <br />5. Provide an emergency management system embodying all aspects of <br />pre -emergency preparedness and post -emergency response, <br />recovery, and mitigation. <br />6. Assist in anticipation, recognition, appraisal, prevention, and <br />mitigation of emergencies that may be caused or aggravated by <br />inadequate planning for, and regulation of, public and private facilities <br />and land use. <br />7. This CEMP, by adoption, established the National Incident <br />Management System (NIMS) as the standard for all operations <br />encompassed by the plan within Indian River County. The NIMS <br />system provides a common foundation for training and other <br />preparedness efforts, communicating and sharing information with <br />other responders and with the public, ordering resources to assist with <br />a response effort, and for integrating new technologies and standards <br />to support incident management. For the first time, all of the nation's <br />emergency responders will use a common language, and a common <br />set of procedures when working individually and together to keep <br />America safe. The NIMS ensures that they will have the same <br />preparation, the same goals and expectations, and most importantly, <br />they will be speaking the same language. The Indian River County <br />Emergency Services Director oversees NIMS compliance for this <br />department. <br />Indian River County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Basic Page 2 <br />