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Such a surge of high water topped by waves driven by <br />hurricane force winds can be devastating to coastal regions. <br />The stronger the hurricane and the shallower the offshore <br />water, the higher the surge will be. In addition, if the storm <br />surge arrives at the same time as the high tide, the water <br />height will be even greater. The storm tide is the combination <br />of the storm surge and the normal astronomical tide. <br />Damage during hurricanes also may result from possible <br />spawned tornadoes, and inland flooding associated with heavy <br />rainfall that usually accompany these storms. Hurricane <br />Andrew, a relatively "dry" hurricane, dumped 10 inches of rain <br />on south Florida and left many buildings extensively water <br />damaged. Rainwater may seep into gaps in roof sheathing <br />and saturate insulation and ceiling drywall, in some cases <br />causing ceilings to collapse. <br />Crop damage is another powerful effect of hurricanes and <br />tropical storms. Tropical Storm Mitch in 1998 dropped as much <br />as 10 inches of rain in some south Florida areas, which <br />resulted in approximately $20 million in crop damage in Palm <br />Beach County alone (Associated Press, 1998). According to <br />the University of Florida (2001), of Indian River County's <br />322,112 acres, 168,399 acres are farmland. With 52% of its <br />land area being farmed, Indian River County is particularly <br />vulnerable to crop damage resulting from the wind and rain <br />from hurricanes and tropical storms. Hurricanes Charley, <br />Frances, and Jeanne crossed citrus -producing counties in <br />Florida in 2004, followed by Hurricane Wilma in 2005. <br />Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne affected the Treasure Coast <br />directly, making landfall three weeks apart in Martin County. A <br />special census to measure the losses was conducted in mid - <br />2005 in the four counties of Indian River, Martin, Palm Beach, <br />and St. Lucie. Because of these hurricanes, Indian River and <br />St. Lucie Counties only produced 36% of the state's grapefruit <br />in 2004-05, compared to the normal 66%. Overall, the number <br />of boxes of Florida citrus was down 42% from the 2003-04 <br />season, bringing a 17% drop in value for the same period <br />(USDA, 2005). After the 2004 hurricane season, the rate of <br />tree removal and burning efforts were intensified in an effort to <br />eradicate canker from commercial groves before the onset of <br />the 2005 hurricane season. Before the plan could be <br />completed, hurricane Wilma contributed to the spread of <br />canker from south Florida up through central Florida, far <br />Indian River County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Basic Page 18 <br />