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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final July 14, 2020 <br />Administrator Brown stated that he was no longer comfortable issuing <br />emergency orders on this topic, and he requested that the Board approve an <br />ordinance to replace Emergency Order 2020-15. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan announced that four (4) of the six (6) states with the <br />lowest increase in COVID-19 cases had strict mandatory mask orders. He <br />went on to discuss the fines, and suggested that the first non-compliance <br />offense would be a warning, the second offense would carry a $25 fine, and the <br />third offense would carry a $50 fine. He received confirmation from Attorney <br />Reingold that if approved by the Board, the proposed Face Covering Ordinance <br />could sunset in 30 days and only be extended by a super -majority vote. <br />To address Commissioner Zorc's concern for enforcing the ordinance, Attorney <br />Reingold stated that he had worked with Undersheriff Jim Harpring of the <br />Indian River County Sheriff s Office to put together a code citation form. <br />Administrator Brown also mentioned his conversations with Undersheriff <br />Harpring to clarify that the Sheriffs Office was not interested in arresting <br />individuals for not wearing a face covering, but would educate and encourage <br />the public when called upon. Commissioner Zorc again mentioned St. Lucie <br />County's Executive Order exemptions and discussed his concern regarding <br />harassment. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner O'Bryan, seconded by Chairman Adams, to <br />adopt the proposed Face Covering Ordinance, providing for adoption of recitals; <br />providing for face covering requirements and exceptions; providing for penalties <br />and enforcement; providing for applicability, conflict, severability and effective <br />date, with the following modifications: 1) Sections 2.1. and 2.2., strike "where <br />social distancing is not possible"; 2) Section 2.7., change the word "good" to <br />"goods"; 3) Section 2.10.A., change to read "persons under the age of six years"; <br />4) Section 3.2., for uncontested violations, change the penalty for the first offense <br />to a warning, the second offense to a fine of $25.00, and the third offense to a fine <br />of $50.00; 5) add an expiration/sunset date to be 30 days following the date the <br />Ordinance is filed with the Secretary of State; and 6) add that the Ordinance can <br />be extended by a super -majority vote. The motion failed by the following vote: <br />Aye: 2 - Chairman Adams, and Commissioner O'Bryan <br />Nay: 3 - Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Zorc, and Commissioner Solari <br />Commissioner O'Bryan then recommended the less restrictive version of the <br />Face Covering Ordinance, mentioned previously by Attorney Reingold, to <br />replace Emergency Order 2020-15. He explained that the less restrictive <br />ordinance would require face coverings to be worn by employees of businesses <br />that are open to the public and located in the unincorporated areas of the <br />County, and by all persons entering County facilities or utilizing public transit <br />and transportation. Commissioner O'Bryan restated the modifications that <br />were relevant from the previous motion, and he requested input from his fellow <br />Commissioners regarding an expiration/sunset date. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 14 <br />