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ORDER NO. PSC -2020 -0293 -AS -EI <br />DOCKET NOS. 20200067 -EI, 20200069-E1, <br />20200070-EI,20200071-EI,20200092-EI <br />PAGE 6 <br />B. DEF Settlement Agreement <br />On July 31, 2020, DEF, OPC, and PCS filed a Joint Motion for Expedited Approval of <br />Settlement Agreement in the DEF SPP docket, and attached a Settlement Agreement to the <br />Motion (DEF Settlement Agreement).' The DEF Settlement Agreement, attached hereto as <br />Attachment B, is signed and executed by DEF, OPC, PCS, and Walmart (collectively, the DEF <br />Settlement Agreement Signatories).2 FIPUG took no position on the Joint Motion for Expedited <br />Approval of a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. <br />The DEF Settlement Agreement Signatories contend that the DEF Settlement Agreement <br />resolves all matters in DEF's SPP docket, and that approving the stipulations set forth in the DEF <br />Settlement Agreement will promote administrative and regulatory efficiency. The DEF <br />Settlement Agreement Signatories argue that when considered as a whole, the DEF Settlement <br />Agreement fairly and reasonably balances the interests of the customers and the utility, is <br />consistent with the stated purpose and intent of Section 366.96, F.S., and is in the public interest. <br />Key provisions of the DEF Settlement Agreement include: <br />• The Signatories agree that the record supports a finding that the following DEF <br />SPP programs are in the public interest, and that DEF proceeding to implement <br />the following SPP programs is not evidence of imprudence: <br />o DEF Feeder Hardening Program <br />o DEF Lateral Hardening Program <br />o DEF Self -Optimizing Grid — SOG Program <br />o DEF Underground Flood Mitigation Program <br />o DEF Distribution Vegetation Management Program <br />o DEF Transmission Structure Hardening Program <br />o DEF Substation Flood Mitigation Program <br />o DEF Loop Radially -Fed Substations Program <br />o DEF Substation Hardening Program <br />o DEF Transmission Vegetation Management Program <br />• The Signatories agree that DEF will file its updated SPP for the period 2023- <br />2032, and that DEF will not materially expand the scope of the programs and <br />associated expenditures it seeks to recover for the years 2020-2022 beyond those <br />that are included in the estimates shown on page 40 of Exhibit JWO-2, filed on <br />April 10, 2020, updated on June 24, 2020 (See Exhibit No. 6 of the <br />Comprehensive Exhibit List), and as modified in the filing made on July 24, 2020, <br />in the SPPCRC docket. <br />' This is the second Motion for Settlement Agreement submitted by DEF in Docket No. 20200069 -EI. The first <br />Motion for Settlement Agreement was submitted on July 17, 2020, in Docket Nos. 20200069 -EI and 20200092 -EI; <br />however, this first motion only impacts the SPPCRC docket. By Order No. PSC -2020 -0273 -PCO -EI, issued on July <br />31, 2020, the first Motion for Settlement Agreement (submitted on July 17, 2020), was scheduled for our review on <br />September 1, 2020. <br />Z The DEF Settlement Agreement was updated on August 3, 2020, to reflect Walmart as a signatory. The updated <br />agreement is attached hereto as Attachment B. <br />24P <br />