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ORDER NO. PSC -2020 -0293 -AS -EI <br />DOCKET NOS. 20200067 -EI, 20200069 -EI, <br />20200070-EI,20200071-EI,20200092-EI <br />PAGE 28 <br />Attachment A <br />Continued Pilot program under he tertits of this' Agreement will not be binding .upon or <br />have any precedential value on any future lateral undergrounding program or projects that. <br />FPL may propose in fiiture SPPs or :otherwise: <br />19. FPL agrees to conduct post -§tarn analysm: !after any named storm tlhat impacts FPI 's; <br />system; where. reasonably possible, to. help quantify the'benefits'ofundergroundittg Iaterals <br />and substation :flooding mitigation. This analysis may include, among other things; <br />comparisons of overhead laterals to those that have beeu:placed .underground in terms of <br />outage said restoration time; as well as comparing the availability of powerfrom substations <br />that have flooded with that of substations that have received flood mitigation measures. <br />2t). 'The Parties agree that the approval ;hereunder should not °include or imply :arty. <br />deterinitiation of prudence'for any particular project under said Program. O.PC retains .the <br />right;to challenge the prudence or reasonableness of any projects or costs for any proJect, <br />submitted through the SP.PCRC. <br />21. Tlie Parties agree that FPL will work with Walmatt to discuss and evaluatO hew'potential <br />SPP programs prior to f ling its next 'SPP: OPC takes no position with regard to this <br />provision. <br />Gulf antl FPL Storm .Protection Plan .Cost Recovery. Clause. <br />(Docket No. 20200092) <br />22. The Patties agree that FPL and Gulf will not seek recovery of any SPP program O&M <br />expenses incurred in 2024 or2021 ilirouglt the SPPCRC. FPL and Gulf will address the <br />recovery of future SPP program :O&M expenses in their neap base rate -cases, including <br />9 <br />