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Providing (First Resolution) <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2020- 091 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR A WATER MAIN EXTENSION FROM 58T" <br />AVENUE TO 34T" STREET, INCLUDING 58T" COURT AND 34T" LANE WITHIN SHADOW <br />BROOK SUBDIVISION AND CERTAIN SPECIALLY BENEFITED PROPERTIES ABUTTING <br />34T" STREET, 58T" COURT AND 34T" LANE, LOCATED WITHIN UNINCORPORATED <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING THE TOTAL ESTIMATED COST, <br />METHOD OF PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS, NUMBER OF ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS, <br />AND DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA TO BE SERVED. <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County has determined that <br />the improvements herein described are necessary to promote the public welfare of the county and <br />has determined to defray the cost thereof by special assessments against certain specially benefited <br />properties to be serviced by a water main extension from 58th Avenue to 34th Street, including 58th <br />Court and 34th Lane within Shadow Brook Subdivision and certain specially benefited properties <br />abutting 34th Street, 58th Court and 34th Lane located within unincorporated, Indian River County, <br />Florida <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN <br />RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: <br />1. The County does hereby determine that a water main shall be extended from 58th Avenue to 34th <br />Street, including 58th Court and 34th Lane located within unincorporated Indian River County, <br />Florida, to specially benefit 15 parcels located within Shadow Brook Subdivision and certain <br />properties abutting 34th Street, 58th Court and 34th Lane ("Improvements"), and that the cost <br />thereof shall be specially assessed in accordance with the provisions of Sections 206.01 through <br />206.09 of The Code of Indian River County. <br />2. As access to water provides an equal benefit to each property served, the assessment will be <br />equal per parcel. <br />3. The estimated cost for the Improvements is $126,000.00 or $8,400.00 per parcel to be paid by <br />the properties specially benefited as shown on the assessment plat on file with the Department <br />of Utility Services and the Clerk to the Board. Assessments are to be levied against certain lots and <br />lands adjoining and contiguous or bounding and abutting upon the Improvements or specially <br />benefited thereby and further designated by the assessment plat with respect to the special <br />assessments. <br />4. A special assessment in the amount of $8,400.00 per parcel may be assessed against each of the <br />specially benefited properties designated on the assessment plat on file with the Clerk to the <br />Board. This special assessment may be raised or lowered by action of the Board of County <br />Commissioners serving as the equalizing board at the public hearing, as set forth in Section 206.07 <br />of The Code of Indian River County. <br />