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Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc.
IRC Vulnerability Assessment Survey (coastal flood risk)
Project Number
Work Order No. 37
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B. Goal: Complete a vulnerability assessment based on a paired -asset threat matrix, flood inundation <br />information, and other available risk data. <br />C. Description: The Preliminary Exposure Analysis from Task 3 will be populated with DEM and SLR <br />inundation data to generate flood rasters. Once the paired -asset threat matrix has been populated with <br />these data, qualitative risks (i.e. high, medium or low) will be assigned based on direct or operational <br />impact to the assets, infrastructure, and communities. The results will be organized into the formal <br />vulnerability assessment. <br />D. Deliverables(s): <br />1) Vulnerability Assessment Technical Memorandum <br />Task #5 <br />A. Title: Public Meeting <br />B. Goal: Present draft findings during advertised/scheduled public meeting to solicit feedback to the final <br />acceptance of report. <br />C. Description: The project results will be presented during a public meeting and feedback will be <br />incorporated into the final report. The Consultant will assist the County in developing a presentation to <br />be used at the public meeting (web -based). <br />D. Deliverable(s): <br />1) Agenda and sign -in sheets from each workshop/meeting, indicating location, date, and time of <br />workshop/meeting <br />2) Presentation(s) and other material from each workshop/meeting <br />3) Brief summary report from one workshop/meeting including attendee input and <br />workshop/meeting outcomes. <br />4) Attendance at 1 public -meeting (web -based) <br />Task #6 <br />A. Title: Development of Adaptation Strategies <br />B. Goal: Develop adaptation strategies for the assets, infrastructure, and communities identified to be <br />vulnerable to SLR or coastal flooding. <br />C. Description: Based on the results from Task 3 and Task 4, a range of adaptation strategies for the <br />exposed assets, infrastructure, and communities in the County will be assembled. These strategies will <br />be screened according to the following criteria: <br />• Ability to Increase Resilience <br />• Economic Feasibility <br />• Environmental Impacts <br />• Ability to Implement <br />The results from the screening will be provided in a report based on a qualitative analysis (i.e. <br />high/medium/low) to implement. An Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction will not be provided. <br />D. Deliverable(s): <br />1) Adaptation Strategies Report—summarizing previous efforts and addressing adaptive strategies. <br />Assumptions applying to all Tasks. <br />• The County is responsible for making key staff available during the delivery of this project. <br />• Deliverables will be issued as a draft for review by the County. We have estimated an approximate 14 - <br />day time frame for the comments. After receiving the comments from the County, the Consultant will <br />reconcile the comments/edits into a final version. The Consultant will address one round of County <br />comments. <br />• All Stakeholder and Community Engagement logistics as it relates to securing meeting locations, <br />procuring safety, providing visual and audio platforms, internet connections, and invitations to the <br />public are the responsibility of the COUNTY. <br />
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