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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />L Program Details: <br />A. LG(s) <br />Name of Local Government Indian River County <br />Does this LHAP contain an interlocal agreement? No <br />If yes, name of other local government(s) NA <br />B. Purpose of the program: <br />• To meet the housing needs of the very low, low and moderate income households; <br />• To expand production of and preserve affordable housing; and <br />• To further the housing element of the local government comprehensive plan specific to <br />affordable housing. <br />C. Fiscal years covered by the Plan: 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 <br />D. Governance: The SHIP Program is established in accordance with Section 420.907-9079, <br />Florida Statutes and Chapter 67-37, Florida Administrative Code. Cities and Counties must be in <br />compliance with these applicable statutes, rules and any additional requirements as established <br />through the Legislative process. <br />E. Local Housing Partnership: The SHIP Program encourages building active partnerships <br />between government, lending institutions, builders and developers, not-for-profit and <br />community-based housing providers and service organizations, providers of professional <br />services related to affordable housing, advocates for low-income persons, real estate <br />professionals, persons or entities that can provide housing or support services and lead agencies <br />of the local continuums of care. <br />F. Leveraging: The Plan is intended to increase the availability of affordable residential units by <br />combining local resources and cost saving measures into a local housing partnership and using <br />public and private funds to reduce the cost of housing. SHIP funds may be leveraged with or <br />used to supplement other Florida Housing Finance Corporation programs and to provide local <br />match to obtain federal housing grants, loans or programs. <br />G. Public Input: Public input was solicited through face to face meetings with housing providers, <br />social service providers, local lenders, neighborhood associations, Affordable Housing Advisory <br />Committee, and the Indian River County Affordable Housing Partnership Group. Public input <br />was solicited through the county website and in the advertising of the Local Housing Assistance <br />Plan Notice of Funding Availability in the local newspaper. <br />H. Advertising and Outreach: SHIP funding availability shall be advertised in the Press Journal <br />(the local newspaper of general circulation) and on the county website, at least 30 days before <br />the beginning of the application period. If no funding is available due to a queue list, no notice of <br />funding availability is required. <br />I. Queue List/Priorities: A queue list will be established when applicants apply to the county <br />SHIP program. Those households on the queue list will be contacted by staff when their queue <br />number is reached. The queue list will be maintained with applicants listed in an order that is <br />consistent with the time that their preliminary intake forms were submitted. Queue numbers will <br />F:\Community Deve1opment\SHIP\LHAP\2021-2024 LHAP\2020 LHAP Revisions\BCC Item - LHAP\2 - <br />2021-2024 LHAP - 12-1-20 BCC Meeting.doc <br />