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Division of Library and Information Services
State of Florida, Department of State,
Grant for expanding technology skills education
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PROJECT NUMBER 20-LSTA B-07 <br />LIBRARY SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGY ACT GRANT <br />AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF STATE <br />AND <br />Indian River County for and on behalf of Indian River County Library <br />This Agreement is by and between the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Library and Information <br />Services, hereinafter referred to as the "Division," and the Indian River County for and on behalf of Indian River <br />County Library hereinafter referred to as the "Subgrantee." <br />The Subgrantee has met all eligibility requirements and has been awarded a Library Services and Technology Act <br />Grant (CFDA 45.310) by the Division: grant number 20-LSTA-B-07 for the project "Expanding Technology Skills <br />Education" nt the amount of $9,646. Federal funds are provided through the Library Services and Technology Act <br />under Florida's long-range plan approved by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. State of Florida authority <br />for this grant has been appropriated in the FY 2020-2021 General Appropriations Act on line 3168. The Division, as <br />administrator of federal funds in accordance with Section 257.12, Florida Statutes, has the authority to administer <br />this grant. By reference, the application and any approved revisions are hereby made a part of this agreement. <br />In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: <br />Grant Purpose. This grant shall be used exclusively for the "Expanding Technology Skills Education," the <br />public purpose for which these funds were awarded: <br />a) The Subgrantee shall perform the following Scope of Work: <br />The Indian River County Library will expand digital instruction curriculum for adults of all ages utilizing a <br />portable computer classroom. The population served by this project consists of adults able to attend in- <br />person instruction sessions. This adult population includes seniors, employment seekers, entrepreneurs, <br />information seekers and those interested in personal enrichment. <br />This project is comprised of four primary tasks. The -first task is creating a schedule of classes and <br />developing the corresponding lesson plans, practice activities and handouts for these classes. The <br />second task is acquiring the needed equipment to create a hands-on learning experience, with the belief <br />that applying the lessons directly through course activities and repetition will aid attendees in the retention <br />of new skills. The third task is implementing the new curriculum, and the fourth and final task consists of <br />evaluating class surveys and feedback in order to adjust the curriculum as needed. <br />All tasks associated with this project, will be performed by September 30, 2021. <br />b) The Subgrantee agrees to provide the following Deliverables related to the Scope of Work for <br />Page: 1 <br />DUS an crKicd requity-d match lion 334 o to 200,1, in Au u t 2020. <br />LSTA Gant AVveinent (Donn DUS.1STA0I ) <br />Chopter 1 ti-3A11(2)(d), Florida : ebnininnuirc Code, c(lcctive 03-3020 <br />
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