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Community Development Block Grant Housing Applicant List (CDBG)
Conflict of Interest Form FFY-2017
Joseph Earman
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INDIAN RIVER COUNTY HOUSING <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) <br />CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM <br />FFY-2017 <br />PURPOSE: <br />CDBG regulations require Conflict of Interest identification between the Board of County <br />Commissioners (BOCC), Citizens Advisory Task Force (CATF) members, and applicants seeking <br />to utilize CDBG funding for housing rehabilitation assistance. The adherence to the rules and <br />regulations in regard to Conflict of Interest is mandatory. All Applicants that may have a business <br />or familial relationship with a member of the County Commission, CATF, Housing Rehabilitation <br />Specialist (HRS), Program Administrator (PA), or participating construction contractors must fully <br />disclose this relationship on the Application... Applicant names must be disclosed at the regular <br />meeting of the Board of County Commission and the CATF as the application process proceeds <br />and these names must be included in the minutes of both the County Commission and the CATF <br />meetings. County Commission and CATF members must disclose any relationship with an <br />Applicant and must abstain from any vote related to that Applicant. <br />County employees that submit an application for rehabilitation assistance and who are involved in <br />the decision-making process related to the CDBG program or are involved in the financial <br />approvals of this program must identify their conflict of interest at the time of application. <br />Any cases of conflict of interests must be made known at a meeting of the County Commission. <br />Before an Applicant with a potential or real conflict as described in 24 C.F.R.570.489 (h)(2), is <br />given final approval for participation the County must notify FDEO in writing... If this process is <br />not followed the County and/or the Applicant may be liable for returning the funds expended to <br />the program. <br />CONFLICT OF INTEREST DEFINITIONS: <br />The Federal requirements are found in 24 CFR 85.36 (b) (3) and 24 CFR 570.489(h). The State <br />of Florida requirements are found in Chapter 112.311 — 112.3143 of the Florida Statutes. A <br />Conflict of Interest is defined as a relationship or circumstances whereby a person or organization <br />exercises functions or responsibilities for funded activities through which they, their relatives, or <br />know associates obtain or appear to obtain a financial benefit. <br />Two types of conflicts are noted, those being beneficiary and procurement. <br />1. A beneficiary conflict of interest would involve any direct benefit, such as housing rehab, utility <br />hook-up or fagade renovation. The conflict would occur when benefits are awarded to anyone <br />with a role in the CDBG and or DRI program approval process, to include but not limited to, a <br />member of a CATF, PA, County officials and Commission members. There are however <br />exceptions to this rule which are explained in 24 CFR 570.611 (d). To request a waiver, the <br />Applicant through the HRS and PA must be submitted in writing to the County for approval, who <br />must then submit the request to FDEO for final approval. Any costs incurred prior to FDEO <br />approval are unallowable. There are no retroactive waivers. <br />2. A procurement conflict of interest exists if there appears to be a relationship between a funded <br />activity and County officers, their employees or agents, any member of their immediate family or <br />any organization that employs or is about to employ, any of the afore -mentioned individuals. This <br />conflict covers all aspects of the procurement, from solicitation, to award, to administration to <br />include the writing of the Applicant Selection Criteria and in the Priority of Assistance, evaluating <br />proposals and negotiating terms. The affected person must not participate in the procurement <br />process in any manner; the level of conflict is irrelevant. Any conflict or appearance of a conflict <br />requires non -participation. A procurement conflict cannot be waived. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />
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